For my interest, I would like to construct a list of testing related packages,
possibly with intent to do a blog post on them later.
- Test stdlib (Unit Testing · The Julia Language)
- GitHub - IainNZ/Pukeko.jl: Testing for Julia, simplified.
- GitHub - pdobacz/PyTest.jl: Trying to give Julia pytest-like testing abilities
- older/dead/deprecated:
Testing Strategy Related
- GitHub - JuliaTesting/ReferenceTests.jl: Utility package for comparing data against reference files
- GitHub - vchuravy/ConcolicFuzzer.jl: Prototype of a fuzzer for Julia based on concolic execution
- GitHub - martinholters/TypeFuzz.jl: Fuzz testing of the Julia type system
- older/dead/deprecated:
- GitHub - oxinabox/InterfaceTesting.jl: (Julia 0.5 only) Concept still good, but needs updating for julia 1.0
- GitHub - robertfeldt/BaseTestAuto.jl: Extends the BaseTestNext.jl package to support many forms of automated testing
- GitHub - robertfeldt/AutoTest.jl: Testing framework for Julia with auto execution and auto generation of data
Reporting/Output Related
- GitHub - JuliaTesting/TestReports.jl: Making JUnit style XML reports for your julia tests
Mocking Related
- GitHub - invenia/Mocking.jl: Allows Julia function calls to be temporarily overloaded for purpose of testing
- GitHub - oxinabox/ExpectationStubs.jl: Mocks on which you can set expectations of how they are called. And check those expectations were true.
What have I missed?