In a .md file for Documenter if I do the following,
````@example dataset_movies
using DataFrames, RDatasets
movies = dataset("ggplot2", "movies") ````
Then when building with makedocs(…) I get a file of size ~65MB. Which, when inspected the output is actually the whole dataset and not just the usual print that one would get the REPL or notebook. So, is this known? And how do I get just the smaller output?
for now I’m using first to limit the output to get a smaller output, here but it would be nice to not do that.
It is likely that @example macro sets :limit=false in the IO settings. This is something that maybe @mortenpi or @fredrikekre can confirm (as I see you are using Literate.jl) and maybe there is a setting allowing to change it.
You can probably check if this is a case by outputting rand(1000, 1000) and seeing if it gets cropped or not.
When we build DataFrames.jl documentation we do not use @example and we do get properly cropped output (but it looks a bit differently).