Lightweight IDE

This might work for a very small class, and as @Tamas_Papp said, depending on the students’ level of engagement. But it would be a nightmare for a medium-large class.

I understand the OP’s hope to have a controlled environment, but obviously, as a teacher, you do want to mention that there are other options out there if people are interested in Julia. I’ve never taught any serious programming class, so I have no real world experience, but Jupyter does seem like a nice tool for teaching. I’ve seen very nice repos for classes taught with Jupyter notebooks.

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In fact, both vim and Emacs (remember Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping? those were the days) are incredibly light by today’s standards, and both are used for interaction with Julia.


Apparently over time we’ve gained memory but lost our souls: how can a text editor take up a GB of RAM???

I just checked and nvim is taking up around 20 MB of RAM for me, and I thought that was a lot.


I am also puzzled by the fact that VSCode is bigger than Julia itself.

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Task manager:


That’s admirable, actually, I would have expected sublime to take up more memory than that.

Yeah, it is SNAPPY.

It would be great if each one posts a screenshot of his IDE, if different from the previous ones.

if i don’t need a big IDE i use gedit. Syntax-Highlighting for many languages…

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What about the Plots Window or panels with other information?

On this picture you don’t see console information. I have clicked it away but you will see it on the bottom side again if you start the script. Nothing fancy only a text editor with syntax highlighting and commands that you can start your compilers. On the picture below you see a script for using cc65 a c-compiler for 8-bit computers like C-64 and Atari-800XL or the Atari2600 :slight_smile:

Sublime is written in python, which doesn’t include an entire browser engine.

Sublime is written in C++. Python is used for the API but the core is C++.


Atom is lightweight on my 64G ram machine :smile:

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I would be interested in a notepad++ language support option. My organization doesn’t allow me to use atom or vscode on my machine. Any idea how to do that? It would be really light weight. While it’s not technically and IDE, it would be easier than vim for your class.

Have you tried

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And for LSP:

Wow. Good find. I’ll try that!