I love Plots.jl
, you love Plots.jl
, everyone loves Plots.jl
The problem is making a flexible plotting framework is a huge task that’s probably not given the open-source effort it needs.
Can we make a table that lists all the possible options and all the possible non-deprecated backends?
I realize even this would be a large effort, so will reward the person who does so with: 10 Schrute Bucks
That’s exactly what I was looking for. Is it updated programmatically?
Just made a version of it for master, so thought I’d link it:
Yes, it should be updated every time anyone commits to PlotDocs.jl.
Holy moly that’s a big google doc file! I assume (I really hope!) you generated it programmatically?
Nope. Just felt like doing some data entry for an hour
would be instructive to compare with the docs ones