creating big mathematical graphics with undreds of functions curves moving in all directions
creating ready-for-printing images with the material of the point 1 (for editing books)
if i use PyPlot, i wonder, why leaving python since i have a few lights on this language
learning somethin new like gadfly would be more exciting for me but is it rational ?
if you can share your experience with me that should help me choosing
I would say both of those pages are out of date. The state of the art in plotting right now in Julia is Plots.jl. You can use it with many backends, of which PyPlot is one, but others like GR and PGFPlots make publication-quality graphics too.
using Plots
plotlyjs(size = (300,300), legend = false)
plot(x = 1:10, y = rand(10))
first execution, it was very long, with lots of the to be installed
second excution, shorter ; the only thing Terminal said was :
INFO: Nothing to be done
INFO: Nothing to be done
my questions are :
i guess that the “Pkg.add” instructions have to be written only once, and that for the next executions i can forget them ; am i right ?
there were no error messages? you need to install this once before using PlotlyJS
but if you couldn’t draw Plot with “PlotsJS” backend even after installation, trying other backend might help.
i have done this : using BlinkBlink.AtomShell.install()
and typed this :
using PlotlyJS function datetimestrings() x = [“2013-10-04 22:23:00”, “2013-11-04 22:23:00”, “2013-12-04 22:23:00”] plot(scatter(x=x, y=[1 ,3, 6])) end
no window with any graph appears… but no error is indicated…
Hi Dpsanders
so stupid from me…
now, i have typed :
using PlotlyJS
function datetimestrings()
x = ["2013-10-04 22:23:00", "2013-11-04 22:23:00", "2013-12-04 22:23:00"]
plot(scatter(x=x, y=[1 ,3, 6]))
Hi Christopher
i have just created a new julia file from Atom (after havind installed uber juno in Atom)
in this new file i have typed this minimal sample of code :
using PlotlyJS
function datetimestrings()
x = ["2013-10-04 22:23:00", "2013-11-04 22:23:00", "2013-12-04 22:23:00"]
plot(scatter(x=x, y=[1 ,3, 6]))
then i have clicked on “Run File” in the Julia menu of Atom
I found the reason. It works in the console, but in a script you have to write
as last line, because the return value of a script is not displayed by default.
This should be changed in Atom/ Juno because it is inconsistent and confusing.
I would recommend that you use Plots.jl instead of using PlotlyJS directly.
I could not get Run file to work in Atom, but highlighting the following code (which uses Plots.jl) and pressing Shift-enter worked for me:
using Plots
function datetimestrings()
x = ["2013-10-04 22:23:00", "2013-11-04 22:23:00", "2013-12-04 22:23:00"]
plot(x, [1 ,3, 6])
I had to open the Plots panel by hand, too. (Command-J command-P on a Mac)
I don’t find this behaviour to be hugely useful, but it is consistent with include() at the REPL. And it seems to have caused some confusion here, so it’s probably a good idea anyways
Edit: As per @MikeInnes’ comment in that PR, this behaviour doesn’t seem very beneficial. If you want to voice any opinions on that, please do so there.
hi Uwe
you say it works for you from the terminal
i typed this code in a .jl file that i invoked from the terminal typing : julia [pathofthefile]
result : now something new happens, a window opens
but the window is empty
i tried other lines of code to see :
function contour1()
x = y = [-2*pi + 4*pi*i/100 for i in 1:100]
z = [sin(x[i]) * cos(y[j]) * sin(x[i]*x[i]+y[j]*y[j])/log(x[i]*x[i]+y[j]*y[j]+1)
for i in 1:100 for j in 1:100]
z_ = [z[i:i+99] for i in 1:100:10000]
data = contour(;z=z_, x=x, y=y)
thank you Uwe
the consequence of having typed display(thing()) for me is the apparition of this windows that unfortunately stays empty
your words about Atom/Juno seem to mean that it is not a good idea to use it ?