I have had a look at
But I cannot get math formula to be rendered whether my doc is built by Travis or on my local machine using mkdocs.
The doctring is
Evaluates function f and its derivatives up to order n ∈ [0,4] at x:
The result is an array of length n+1.
Derivatives are numerically computed using the 5-point stencil method
with h≠0 being the grid spacing:
Source: https://github.com/bgodard/CALCEPH.jl/blob/master/src/fivePointStencil.jl
Rendered page: https://bgodard.github.io/CALCEPH.jl/latest/utilities/
I have tried replacing docstring triple quotes by simple quotes and replacing double backticks by escaped dollar signs but the rendered doc stays the same.
I must be doing something wrong but I cannot figure out what.
Thank you for your help.