Language Server crashes and can't download cached packages


I’m on an M1 mac 12.1 with vscode 1.76.0, julia version 1.8.5, and vscode julia extension v1.38.2. The language server is constantly crashing without a server trace, but with the following output:

 Activating project at `~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/environments/languageserver/v1.8`
[ Info: Starting the Julia Language Server
[ Info: Symbol server store is at '/Users/backes/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/julialang.language-julia/symbolstorev5'.
[ Info: Starting LS at 1677922506
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for OpenSSL.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting
[ Info: Downloading caches... (20%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for MbedTLS.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting
[ Info: Downloading caches... (40%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for BitFlags.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting
[ Info: Downloading caches... (60%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for HTTP.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting
[ Info: Downloading caches... (80%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for LoggingExtras.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting
[ Info: All cache files downloaded. (100%)
[ Info: Loading Plots from cache... (0%)
[Info  - 10:35:55] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.

How can I resolve this issue? Is there anywhere a list of compatible LSP, Julia, and vscode versions in case that I have an unsupported combination?
