JupyterLab vs PlotlyJS

The following example works fine in the julia REPL, but only produces an empty cell in IJulia under JupyterLab. I’ve done a couple of installs I found on the net, and none of them worked. Any ideas about what to try?

using IESLM63
using PlotlyJS
cv = Float32[0.0, 128.597, 145.57745, 145.57745, 145.57745, 145.57745, 145.57745, 145.57745, 145.57745, 128.597, 0.0];
va = Float32[0.0, 18.0, 36.0, 54.0, 72.0, 90.0, 108.0, 126.0, 144.0, 162.0, 180.0];
fig1 = Plot(scatterpolar(r = cv,
                         theta = va,
                         mode = "markers+lines"),
                   width=400, height=400, 