JuMP nonlinear constraints for different optimisation variables

I would like to define multiple nonlinear constraints in JuMP, where each constraint is applied to a subset of the total optimisation variables. For my concrete use-case, I am trying to constraint a robot motion plan: my optimisation variables are the joint positions over time, defined for a finite set of keyframes of the whole motion plan.

Assuming the robot has 6 joints, and that we know the desired tip {x, y, z} positional trajectory, I am formulating the optimisation problem as follows:

# array of desired [x,y,z] over time
desired_tip_position = [TransToRp(T)[2] for T in tip_trajectory]

# robot joint positions to [xyz] position
fkin_position(thetalist) = TransToRp(FKinSpace(M, Slist, thetalist))[2]

function my_constraint(state...)
    position = [i for i in state[1:3]]
    thetalist = [i for i in state[4:end]]
    sum((fkin_position(thetalist) - position).^2)

register(model, :my_constraint, 3 + 6, my_constraint, autodiff=true)

for (i, thetalist) in enumerate(Iterators.partition(x, 6))
    @NLconstraint(model, my_constraint(desired_tip_position[i][1],
                                       desired_tip_position[i][3], thetalist...) <= 1e-6)

The above formulation works as expected. However, I am not completely satisfied with this solution; particularly, I am not happy with the parameter passing in the definition of the @NLconstraint.

I have thought about just passing my_constraint(desired_tip_position[i]..., thetalist...), but JuMP gives returns: JuMP supports splatting only symbols. For example, x... is ok, but (x + 1)..., [x; y]... and g(f(y)...) are not.

I have also tried something slightly different, like passing i to my_constraint and indexing desired_tip_position there:

function my_constraint(state...)
    position = desired_tip_position[Int(state[1])]
    thetalist = [i for i in state[2:end]]
    sum((fkin_position(thetalist) - position).^2)

register(model, :my_constraint, 1 + 6, my_constraint, autodiff=true)

for (i, thetalist) in enumerate(Iterators.partition(x, 6))
    @NLconstraint(model, my_constraint(i, thetalist...) <= 1e-6)

However, when I do that, i becomes a Float64 and I am not able to index an array with a float. Furthermore, trying to convert it with Int(i) makes ForwardDiff.jl unhappy as well…

Does anyone have any advice regarding a better way to accomplish this? Thanks!