Currently trying to get my head around Julia v0.7.
I’m not totally sure whether JuMP 0.18 should work in v0.7 or what the current state is. Getting a bit confused with all the different versions lately (v0.6,v0.7, JuMP 0.18,0.19, MPB vs MOI)
I’m using JuMP v0.18.2 and Julia Version 0.7.0-rc2.0
This code doesn’t work:
using JuMP
m = Model()
@variable(m, x[1:10])
Giving this error:
┌ Warning: `Array{T}(m::Int) where T` is deprecated, use `Array{T}(undef, m)` instead.
│ caller = top-level scope at macros.jl:199
└ @ Core ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/6aWu/src/macros.jl:199
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching -(::Base.LegacyIterationCompat{UnitRange{Int64},Int64,Int64}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
-(::Complex{Bool}, ::Real) at complex.jl:298
-(::Missing, ::Number) at missing.jl:93
-(::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, ::Integer) at logging.jl:107
[1] setindex!(::JuMP.JuMPArray{Variable,1,Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}}}, ::Variable, ::Int64) at /home/ole/.julia/packages/JuMP/6aWu/src/JuMPArray.jl:72
[2] top-level scope at /home/ole/.julia/packages/JuMP/6aWu/src/macros.jl:1111
As this is really basic I suppose it’s known. JuMP v0.19 will depend on MOI, right?
Is there a way to upgrade a solver to v0.7 by updating to v0.7 without worrying about the big change from MPB to MOI?