JuliaPro is available, but no MKL?

There was a table showing free and commercial version with the latter with MKL. Or I seem to remember that, and no longer find it.

There seems to be only one version without MKL (as of JuliaPro 1.0). I don’t know for sure why [EDIT: it may not be needed, at least with the latest OpenBLAS, see see my third post in this thread why and how to use it.]. Maybe it’s no longer considered needed with Julia/OpenBLAS now faster? Or possibly it’s just easy to get MKL separately? Before you needed a non-GPL version of Julia and now it’s close to it or already there. Possibly even if Julia is not yet GPL-free, possibly JuliaPro is (as it’s strictly speaking proprietary software built on open source)? And in either case, you’re always allowed to add propriatary, e.g. MKL, in your installation, even adding to GPL, then only you’re not allowed to distribute the whole later.

You can also download older versions of JuliaPro, possibly one of is MKL (i.e. still available online) if that works for you temporarily.

The discussion ends like (and I believe SuiteSparse is no longer a dependeny of Julia):

If MKL and OpenBLAS are ABI-compatible, then LD_PRELOAD should do the trick. If they are not ABI-compatible, the one can […] As MKL ships an FFTW-compatible interface, it sounds like SuiteSparse is your only mandatary GPL dependency interfering with MKL binary redistribution.

JuliaPro- – MKL (for Windows) - (762.17M)
JuliaPro- – MKL (for Linux) - (1.02G)
JuliaPro - MKL (for Mac) - (2.47G)
JuliaPro- – MKL (for Linux) – ASC - (490.00B)

Sorry to bring up an old thread. I am curious as to what changed in order for Julia to be able to distribute both an MKL and non-MKL version?


Please discuss this on discourse.

I am locking this in order to not discuss this further here, and redirecting folks to discourse.

Possibly some of the googleble solutions are helpful (what applies to 0.7, should also to Julia 1.0, and also JuliaPro I think):