JuliaFormatter: multi-line matrix in VSCode

In VSCode, when I use the formatter on something like this:

m = [ 1 0
      0 1 ]

I get something like this:

m = [ 1 0
    0 1 ]

Is there some option or simple way to disable that formatting of multi-line matrices?


In the Julia Formatter extension settings, add to the long list:


if you want to align matrix elements yourself.

Actually I don’t have the Julia Formatter extension installed, I’m using the Crtl-Shift-P > Format Document option of the Julia Language Support.

Is that it? I cannot find where to setup anything related to formatting.

Or should I install the Julia Formatter extension actually have options?

Use a .JuliaFormatter.toml to configure this behaviour.

Where should it be placed? In the package dir, or somewhere else, for the effect to be global?

I installed it, but the options didn’t help.

I have:

x = [ 1  0
      0  1 ]

with align_matrix=true, formatting results in:

x = [1  0
	0  1]

and with align_matrix=false I have:

x = [1 0
	0 1]

Thus, different things, but both bad.

A workaround is to not format it, with:

#! format: off
x = [ 1  0
      0  1 ]
#! format: on

Actually, noticed now that it expects the multi-line matrix to be written as:

x = [
    123   1234
      0     10

which it then formats to:

x = [
    123 1234
    0 10

Meaning, it left-aligns the first column and removes any trailing space in the middle. Not good either.

@lmiq, sorry, I thought this was working but it isn’t.

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