JuliaDB documentation down?

Hi all,

Been trying to do some work with memory that is too large for my computer’s memory and so have turned to testing out what I understand to be JuliaDB’s strength in this context, but as I went to read up on it I keep finding (for at least the last week or so) that the documentation page is giving a 404 error and it doesn’t just seem to be me (checked on multiple devices and here: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/). Just wanted to see if anyone else has run into this and alert folks in case they didn’t already know.

For reference I’ve posted an issue on the project’s github page here: JuliaDB documentation down? · Issue #323 · JuliaData/JuliaDB.jl · GitHub

Documentation moved with the repo (links in some pages are still pointing to old location).


new link.


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Got it. Thanks!