Julia vs R vs Python

I couldn’t agree more.

I have read those articles before. And I am well aware of the shortcomings too. This is the main reason I am on this forum. Trying to learn new languages like julia, go and c++ so that I can use them where it is necessary.I know we all might have to switch from R at some point and I am trying to invest in it.

But deep down R is my first love and I can’t stand somebody berating it.

In fact I came on this forum to seek if Julia has any decent framework to build dashboards that are half as easy as shiny. And I have been following this community since then.

And I am waiting to switch my shiny codes to Julia because hosting shiny server costs a lot more money and shinyproxy is very hard to configure.

so far I am just waiting. I agree with everything you said. But I love R too… I know it has slow but in return it gives you a great flexibility. I can change the = or ← operator in R to do something different.

had speed been the only concern languages like python, javascript wouldn’t be anywhere in the world.

So I am like on both sides.