Julia vs Fortran complaint

I know nothing about the source of the quote in question, but let me give you a real-world example in which I’ve often found that Julia code can be faster than comparable algorithms in production-quality Fortran: special-function implementations.

For example, I implemented an erfinv function Julia (add inverse error functions erfinv and erfcinv by stevengj · Pull Request #2987 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub), and it was about 3x faster than Matlab or SciPy’s erfinv function, both of which are taken from standard Fortran libraries. (This is benchmarking single-threaded vectorized calls on large arrays where the Matlab/Python overhead should be negligible.) The underlying algorithm is similar to those used in the Fortran routines (in Matlab’s case this is only a guess), because almost everyone uses the same rational-function approximations published in the 1970s.

I have found similar gains (compared to Fortran code called in SciPy) for other special functions, e.g. polygamma functions (RFC: add complex polygamma and Hurwitz zeta functions by stevengj · Pull Request #7125 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub) and exponential integrals (exponential integral (Ei, E₁, Eₙ...) function · Issue #19 · JuliaMath/SpecialFunctions.jl · GitHub).

The reason Julia can beat the Fortran code is that metaprogramming makes it easy to apply performance optimizations that are awkward in Fortran. We have metaprogramming macros (@evalpoly) that can easily inline polynomial evaluations, whereas the Fortran code makes function calls that loop over look-up tables of polynomial coefficients. Even greater speedups are possible for evaluating polynomials of complex arguments, where there is a fancy recurrence from Knuth that is almost impossible to use effectively without code generation. In principle, the Fortran authors could have done the same inlining and gotten similar performance, but the code would have been much more painful to write by hand. (They could even have written a program to generate Fortran code, but that is even more painful.)