Julia support for GitHub Codespaces

Just got my beta access to GitHub Codespaces (online VS code in GitHub). Codespaces allows for choosing a container to run in - but while there’s already lot’s of pre-built containers for Python, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc. there isn’t one for Julia yet.

Should we contribute one? I guess we can just do a PR on https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers .


There was a .devcontainer file in the Julia repository. See Compile Julia from source with ease in VS Code (even on Windows!) for instructions on connecting to various VS code instances. I am not sure if the process is the same for github codespaces.

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Getting close!


Oh, nice, had overlooked that PR. Should have known that @davidanthoff was on it already. .-)

We also already have support for Codespaces in the Yggdrasil repository (also provided by David!), which can be a good alternative for Windows users that can’t run BinaryBuilder locally.

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Oh, nice, that looks very straightforward.

I get the following error in Codespaces, when trying to work on the Julia repo:


How can I fix this?

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