I’m on Windows 11 with docker running in WSL2.
On Windows I’m using Visual Studio Code with Dev Container extension.
I have created a folder julia
with a .devcontainer
subfolder containining a devcontainer.json
like the following:
"name": "Julia",
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/base:ubuntu",
"features": {
"ghcr.io/julialang/devcontainer-features/julia:1": {
"channel": "release"
"ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
"installZsh": "true",
"configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
"username": "vscode",
"upgradePackages": "true"
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
"extensions": [
"postCreateCommand": "julia-activate"
Once I open the julia
folder in Visual Studio Code, after it opens the container, I get the following error:
Running the postCreateCommand from Feature 'ghcr.io/julialang/devcontainer-features/julia:1'...
[7271 ms] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh -c /usr/local/julia-devcontainer-features/postcreate.jl
/usr/bin/env: 'julia': No such file or directory
exit status 127
[7332 ms] julia-activate of postCreateCommand from Feature 'ghcr.io/julialang/devcontainer-features/julia:1' failed with exit code 127. Skipping any further user-provided commands.
Done. Press any key to close the terminal.