Julia seems to be running multithreaded when I don't want it to

I took the liberty of optimizing your Julia implementation a bit. I removed all of the slicing allocations by using @view and used mul! for in-place multiplication. Neither of these changed the runtime significantly at these large problem sizes, but they’ll reduce the memory churn which is never a bad thing. More significantly, I also used @view to trim computations on parts of your arrays that were still all-zero for a 2x speedup.

I checked that this still gave virtually the same results, but you should check it too.

using LinearAlgebra: norm, mul!

function CGS2_alt(X::AbstractMatrix)
  Base.require_one_based_indexing(X) # ensure X has 1-based indices
  T = float(eltype(X))
  n, m = size(X)
  Q = zeros(T, n, m)
  R = zeros(T, m, m)
  r = zeros(T, m)
  w = zeros(T, n)
  R[1, 1] = norm(@view X[:, 1])
  Q[:, 1] .= @view(X[:, 1]) ./ R[1, 1]
  for i in 2:m
	iprev = 1:i-1
    w .= @view X[:, i]
	Qi = @view Q[:,iprev]
	ri = @view r[iprev]
    mul!(ri, Qi', w) # ri .= (w'Qi)'
    R[iprev, i] = ri
    mul!(w, Qi, ri, -1, 1) # w .-= Qi * ri
    mul!(ri, Qi', w) # ri .= (w'Qi)'
    mul!(w, Qi, ri, -1, 1) # w .-= Qi * ri
    R[i, i] = norm(w)
    Q[:, i] .= w ./ R[i, i]
  return Q, R
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