You mean in the Julia script? If so, yes I did.
I took the liberty of optimizing your Julia implementation a bit. I removed all of the slicing allocations by using @view
and used mul!
for in-place multiplication. Neither of these changed the runtime significantly at these large problem sizes, but theyβll reduce the memory churn which is never a bad thing. More significantly, I also used @view
to trim computations on parts of your arrays that were still all-zero for a 2x speedup.
I checked that this still gave virtually the same results, but you should check it too.
using LinearAlgebra: norm, mul!
function CGS2_alt(X::AbstractMatrix)
Base.require_one_based_indexing(X) # ensure X has 1-based indices
T = float(eltype(X))
n, m = size(X)
Q = zeros(T, n, m)
R = zeros(T, m, m)
r = zeros(T, m)
w = zeros(T, n)
R[1, 1] = norm(@view X[:, 1])
Q[:, 1] .= @view(X[:, 1]) ./ R[1, 1]
for i in 2:m
iprev = 1:i-1
w .= @view X[:, i]
Qi = @view Q[:,iprev]
ri = @view r[iprev]
mul!(ri, Qi', w) # ri .= (w'Qi)'
R[iprev, i] = ri
mul!(w, Qi, ri, -1, 1) # w .-= Qi * ri
mul!(ri, Qi', w) # ri .= (w'Qi)'
mul!(w, Qi, ri, -1, 1) # w .-= Qi * ri
R[i, i] = norm(w)
Q[:, i] .= w ./ R[i, i]
return Q, R
By the way, I think the MGS is better than CGS2. Check out this code:
using LinearAlgebra
function coldot(A, j, i)
m = size(A, 1)
r = zero(eltype(A))
@simd for k in 1:m
r += A[k, i] * A[k, j]
return r;
function colnorm(A, j)
return sqrt(coldot(A, j, j));
function colsubt!(A, i, j, r)
m = size(A, 1)
@simd for k in 1:m
A[k, i] -= r * A[k, j]
function normalizecol!(A, j)
m = size(A, 1)
r = 1.0 / colnorm(A, j)
@simd for k in 1:m
A[k, j] *= r
function mgsortho!(A)
@show m, n = size(A)
normalizecol!(A, 1)
for j in 2:n
Base.Threads.@threads for i in j:n
colsubt!(A, i, j-1, coldot(A, j-1, i))
normalizecol!(A, j)
return A
Orthogonalize!(V, hv, vv, orth; verbose=false)
C. T. Kelley, 2022
Orthogonalize the Krylov vectors using your (my) choice of
methods. Anything other than classical Gram-Schmidt twice (cgs2) is
likely to become an undocumented and UNSUPPORTED option. Methods other
than cgs2 are mostly for CI for the linear solver.
DO NOT use anything other than "cgs2" with Anderson acceleration.
function Orthogonalize!(V, hv, vv, orth = "cgs2"; verbose = false)
orthopts = ["mgs1", "mgs2", "cgs1", "cgs2"]
orth in orthopts || error("Impossible orth spec in Orthogonalize!")
if orth == "mgs1"
mgs!(V, hv, vv; verbose = verbose)
elseif orth == "mgs2"
mgs!(V, hv, vv, "twice"; verbose = verbose)
elseif orth == "cgs1"
cgs!(V, hv, vv, "once"; verbose = verbose)
cgs!(V, hv, vv, "twice"; verbose = verbose)
mgs!(V, hv, vv, orth; verbose=false)
function mgs!(V, hv, vv, orth = "once"; verbose = false)
k = length(hv) - 1
normin = norm(vv)
@views for j = 1:k
p = vec(V[:, j])
hv[j] = p' * vv
vv .-= hv[j] * p
hv[k+1] = norm(vv)
if (normin + 0.001 * hv[k+1] == normin) && (orth == "twice")
@views for j = 1:k
p = vec(V[:, j])
hr = p' * vv
hv[j] += hr
vv .-= hr * p
hv[k+1] = norm(vv)
nv = hv[k+1]
# Watch out for happy breakdown
#if hv[k+1] != 0
#@views vv .= vv/hv[k+1]
(nv != 0) || (verbose && (println("breakdown in mgs1")))
if nv != 0
vv ./= nv
cgs!(V, hv, vv, orth="twice"; verbose=false)
Classical Gram-Schmidt.
function cgs!(V, hv, vv, orth = "twice"; verbose = false)
# no BLAS. Seems faster than BLAS since 1.6 and allocates
# far less memory.
k = length(hv)
T = eltype(V)
onep = T(1.0)
zerop = T(0.0)
@views rk = hv[1:k-1]
pk = zeros(T, size(rk))
qk = vv
Qkm = V
# Orthogonalize
# New low allocation stuff
mul!(rk, Qkm', qk, 1.0, 1.0)
### mul!(pk, Qkm', qk)
### rk .+= pk
## rk .+= Qkm' * qk
# qk .-= Qkm * rk
mul!(qk, Qkm, rk, -1.0, 1.0)
if orth == "twice"
# Orthogonalize again
# New low allocation stuff
mul!(pk, Qkm', qk)
## pk .= Qkm' * qk
# qk .-= Qkm * pk
mul!(qk, Qkm, pk, -1.0, 1.0)
rk .+= pk
# Keep track of what you did.
nqk = norm(qk)
(nqk != 0) || (verbose && (println("breakdown in cgs")))
(nqk > 0.0) && (qk ./= nqk)
hv[k] = nqk
function qrctk!(A; orth = "cgs2")
T = typeof(A[1, 1])
(m, n) = size(A)
R = zeros(T, n, n)
@views R[1, 1] = norm(A[:, 1])
@views A[:, 1] /= R[1, 1]
@views for k = 2:n
hv = vec(R[1:k, k])
Qkm = view(A, :, 1:k-1)
vv = vec(A[:, k])
Orthogonalize!(Qkm, hv, vv, orth)
return (Q = A, R = R)
@show Threads.nthreads()
m = 200000
n = 200
A = rand(m, n)
B = deepcopy(A)
A .= B
@info "mgsortho!(A)"
@time mgsortho!(A)
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qr!(A)"
@time begin
q = qr!(A)
A .= Matrix(q.Q)
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qr!(A): broken up into two steps"
@time q = qr!(A)
@time A .= Matrix(q.Q)
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qrctk!(A; orth = \"cgs1\")"
@time qrctk!(A; orth = "cgs1")
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qrctk!(A; orth = \"cgs2\")"
@time qrctk!(A; orth = "cgs2")
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qrctk!(A; orth = \"mgs1\")"
@time qrctk!(A; orth = "mgs1")
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
A .= B
@info "qrctk!(A; orth = \"mgs2\")"
@time qrctk!(A; orth = "mgs2")
@show norm(A'*A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf)
The good MGS is mgsortho!
. mgs!
and cgs!
are due to C. T. Kelley GitHub - ctkelley/SIAMFANLEquations.jl: This is a Julia package for a book project.
Well, yeah, MGS is twice less the FLOP count than CGS2. I implemented MGS too, I didnβt attach it here, but if I run it on the 72-cores machines, CGS2 is actually about 4X faster! This is symptomatic of a parallel computation since the number of synchronizations is less in CGS2 than in MGS.
Try the codes above.
This is what I get on 63 threads:
julia> include("play.jl")
Threads.nthreads() = 63
[ Info: mgsortho!(A)
(m, n) = size(A) = (200000, 200)
8.519595 seconds (218.53 k allocations: 13.934 MiB, 4.90% compilation time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 3.1086244689504383e-15
[ Info: qr!(A)
5.834709 seconds (262.59 k allocations: 624.114 MiB, 1.37% gc time, 6.05% compilation time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.4424906541753444e-15
[ Info: qr!(A): broken up into two steps
2.931786 seconds (5 allocations: 112.625 KiB)
2.324473 seconds (9 allocations: 610.657 MiB, 6.39% gc time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.4424906541753444e-15
[ Info: qrctk!(A; orth = "cgs1")
12.793860 seconds (3.44 M allocations: 170.772 MiB, 0.08% gc time, 19.62% compilation time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 3.720802284985433e-14
[ Info: qrctk!(A; orth = "cgs2")
20.320473 seconds (404 allocations: 2.015 MiB)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.4424906541753444e-15
[ Info: qrctk!(A; orth = "mgs1")
46.986516 seconds (40.20 k allocations: 29.656 GiB, 0.80% gc time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.220446049250313e-15
[ Info: qrctk!(A; orth = "mgs2")
46.504030 seconds (40.20 k allocations: 29.656 GiB, 0.49% gc time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.220446049250313e-15
[ Info: CGS2_alt(A)
22.561234 seconds (1.86 M allocations: 399.342 MiB, 0.17% gc time, 6.44% compilation time)
norm(A' * A - LinearAlgebra.I, Inf) = 2.4424906541753444e-15
You could try:
@code_llvm CGS2(X)
and in the output look for simd instructions. On my machine I see:
vector.body: ; preds = %vector.body,
; ββββ @ simdloop.jl:78 within `macro expansion`
; βββββ @ int.jl:87 within `+`
%index = phi i64 [ 0, ], [, %vector.body ]
%126 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %123, i64 %index
; βββββ
; ββββ @ simdloop.jl:77 within `macro expansion` @ broadcast.jl:961
; βββββ @ broadcast.jl:597 within `getindex`
; ββββββ @ broadcast.jl:642 within `_broadcast_getindex`
; βββββββ @ broadcast.jl:666 within `_getindex`
; ββββββββ @ broadcast.jl:636 within `_broadcast_getindex`
; βββββββββ @ array.jl:924 within `getindex`
%127 = bitcast double* %126 to <4 x double>*
%wide.load = load <4 x double>, <4 x double>* %127, align 8
; βββββββββ
; ββββββ @ broadcast.jl:643 within `_broadcast_getindex`
; βββββββ @ broadcast.jl:670 within `_broadcast_getindex_evalf`
; ββββββββ @ float.jl:386 within `/`
%128 = fdiv <4 x double> %wide.load, %broadcast.splat
; ββββββββ
; ββββ @ simdloop.jl:78 within `macro expansion`
; βββββ @ int.jl:87 within `+`
%129 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %125, i64 %index
If you see simdloops only on the new CPU and not on the old CPU this might be an explanation for the performance difference. (SIMD: single instruction multiple data)
It might also be that the newer CPU supports AVX512 and the older only AVX256.
SIMD commands use only one CPU core, but can still process 4 or 8 words of data in parallel.
Other possible reasons for the speed difference:
- different amount of RAM
- different cache size
Following this thread a bit, and it doesnβt seem worth testing a bunch of things until @giordanoβs suggestion of using top
, htop
, or other resource monitor is followed. I personally use conky
on my desktop for exactly this reason. I just start a process, look at conky
on my desktop and immediately can tell if something is multi-threading or multi-processing. Itβs a super simple test.
Also, on Win 10/11 try ProcessExplorer.
I didnβt know about ProcessExplorer. On Windows, usually I will open Task Manager, click on the βPerformanceβ tab, right click on the CPU graph, then βChange Graph Toβ β βLogical Processorsβ.
I cannot use conky on my machine. As I said htop is filled by processor gauges and does not display the ongoing processes. However, top does work. I ran it while running the code on the 72-cores machine. It seems as if thereβs only one thread running:
Iβm on Linux.
If you mean was my timing data for Linux, the answer is yes.
Thanks! Iβm not expert, but if its only on one thread then maybe @ufechner7 is correct that there is some SIMD magic going on instead of multi-threading?
This says the usage is at 3600%
which is like using 36 cores at 100% util, so this is definitely running with multiple threads, probably on all 36 cores of your machine (I assume you have 36 actual cores which are just hyperthreaded).
Here is what I get with @code_llvm CGS2(X)
julia> @code_llvm CGS2(X)
; @ /home/mica_20/users/nxf93431/test/julia-gram-schmidt/GramSchmidt.jl:93 within `CGS2`
define void @julia_CGS2_662([2 x {}*]* noalias nocapture sret([2 x {}*]) %0, {}* nonnull align 16 dereferenceable(40) %1) #0 {
%gcframe2097 = alloca [8 x {}*], align 16
%gcframe2097.sub = getelementptr inbounds [8 x {}*], [8 x {}*]* %gcframe2097, i64 0, i64 0
%2 = bitcast [8 x {}*]* %gcframe2097 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* noundef nonnull align 16 dereferenceable(64) %2, i8 0, i32 64, i1 false)
%3 = alloca { [1 x [1 x i64]], i64 }, align 8
%4 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%5 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%6 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%7 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%8 = alloca { [1 x [1 x i64]], i64 }, align 8
%9 = alloca { [1 x [1 x i64]], i64 }, align 8
%10 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%11 = alloca [1 x [2 x i64]], align 8
%12 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%13 = alloca { [1 x [1 x i64]], i64 }, align 8
%14 = alloca [1 x [2 x i64]], align 8
%15 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%16 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%17 = alloca { [1 x [1 x i64]], i64 }, align 8
%18 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%19 = alloca [1 x [1 x i64]], align 8
%thread_ptr = call i8* asm "movq %fs:0, $0", "=r"() #7
%ppgcstack_i8 = getelementptr i8, i8* %thread_ptr, i64 -8
%ppgcstack = bitcast i8* %ppgcstack_i8 to {}****
%pgcstack = load {}***, {}**** %ppgcstack, align 8
; @ /home/mica_20/users/nxf93431/test/julia-gram-schmidt/GramSchmidt.jl:94 within `CGS2`
; Γ’ @ array.jl:152 within `size`
%20 = bitcast [8 x {}*]* %gcframe2097 to i64*
store i64 24, i64* %20, align 16
%21 = getelementptr inbounds [8 x {}*], [8 x {}*]* %gcframe2097, i64 0, i64 1
%22 = bitcast {}** %21 to {}***
%23 = load {}**, {}*** %pgcstack, align 8
store {}** %23, {}*** %22, align 8
%24 = bitcast {}*** %pgcstack to {}***
store {}** %gcframe2097.sub, {}*** %24, align 8
%25 = bitcast {}* %1 to {}**
%26 = getelementptr inbounds {}*, {}** %25, i64 3
%27 = bitcast {}** %26 to i64*
%28 = load i64, i64* %27, align 8
%29 = getelementptr inbounds {}*, {}** %25, i64 4
%30 = bitcast {}** %29 to i64*
%31 = load i64, i64* %30, align 8
; Γ’
; @ /home/mica_20/users/nxf93431/test/julia-gram-schmidt/GramSchmidt.jl:95 within `CGS2`
; Γ’ @ array.jl:584 within `zeros` @ array.jl:588
; Γ’Γ’ @ boot.jl:469 within `Array` @ boot.jl:461
%32 = call nonnull {}* inttoptr (i64 47976924541792 to {}* ({}*, i64, i64)*)({}* inttoptr (i64 47977128374960 to {}*), i64 %28, i64 %31)
; Γ’Γ’
; Γ’ @ array.jl:584 within `zeros` @ array.jl:589
and it keeps going, I could not copy everything⦠There does not seem to be a sign of simdloops.
The amounts of RAM are as follows:
On the 2-cores machine:
On the 72-cores machine:
The cache sizes are as follows:
On the 2-cores machine:
L1: 32KB
L2: 256KB
L3: 35MB
On the 72-cores machine:
L1: 32KB
L2: 1MB
L3: 72MB
So the RAM and cache are clearly different. If this alone impacts the Julia code so much, why doesnβt it impact the C code at all? For reminder, here is the matrix of running times:
2-cores machine:
Julia code: 166.49 s
C code: 89.68 s
72-cores machine
Julia code: 35.96 s
C code: 84.54 s
You said you have:
at the beginning of your script.
But are you sure you are using BLAS and not MKL?
To Check Installation:
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> BLAS.get_config()
β [ILP64] libopenblas64_.0.3.13.dylib
julia> using MKL
julia> BLAS.get_config()
β [ILP64] libmkl_rt.1.dylib
Great! Thanks for noticing. This is the only way these results make sense. Do you know how I can prevent hyperthreading?
You should launch Julia with a single thread, which can be done by setting the JULIA_NUM_THREADS
env variable before the launch (you canβt do this after opening), or just set it as an option when you open the REPL:
julia -t 1
julia --threads=1
You should also set the BLAS threads as you are already doing.
Try the test again, and use top
to make sure that CPU usage doesnβt go over 100%. If it does, you are probably calling something external which is using more threads.
I did add
using LinearAlgebra: BLAS
to my script.
I do not know whether I use OpenBLAS or MKL. I thought all Julia installations used OpenBLAS by default. How can I check this? And if I use MKL, how can I limit the number of MKL threads from Julia?
This was done already. Prior to running the script, I exported JULIA_NUM_THREADS=1