Julia PyPlot: how to draw thicks on both sizes of axis?

what is the syntax for drawing the axis on both sizes of the axis? That is, I would like the thicks not only on the bottom of the plot (x axis) but also on the upper size. Similarly, I would like the thicks on both left and right sizes:

using PyPlot
    x = 1:10
    y = broadcast(^, 2, x)
    p = plot(x, y,
    linestyle = "-", color = "red", linewidth=2)

Thank you

The axis on the right can be drawn by adding

    ax = gca()
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Thank you!

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To add also the labels on the right, one can use

ax = gca()
ax.tick_params(axis="y", left="on",labelleft="on", right="on", labelright="on")
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