I’m trying to add language server for my text editor but Julia pkg gives me this error.
I have installed glibc glibc-runner and my internet connection is working well.
I’m trying to add language server for my text editor but Julia pkg gives me this error.
I have installed glibc glibc-runner and my internet connection is working well.
Does Termux have the needed permissions to access the Internet?
Yes internet is working in Termux.
Julia pkg also work under proot-distro fedora
But does not work without proot on Termux.
56 function pkg_server_registry_info()
57 registry_info = Dict{UUID, Base.SHA1}()
58 server = pkg_server()
59 server === nothing && return nothing
60 tmp_path = tempname()
61 download_ok = false
62 try
63 f = retry(delays = fill(1.0, 3)) do
64 download("$server/registries", tmp_path,
65 end
66 f()
67 download_ok = true
68 catch err
69 @warn "could not download
$server/registries" exception=err
70 end
As per log this function is catching error ig
Start with some simple diagnostics. Can you log into your machine and run
ping pkg.julialang.org
dig pkg.julialang.org
Also run ‘env’
ps. I do not understand what is meant by proot
as per my understanding
proot is assigning a host OS subdirectory as root for guest OS where as chroot is a changed root dirctory in host OS.
Hence proot work without rooting android phones. whereas chroot requires root permissions.
I’m not sure what grun
I usually first do proot-distro login debian
. Then I run Julia from there.
grun help programs to load with glibc instead of Android’s bionic libc. And yeah I know we can run julia inside proot-distro but I was trying it without proot-distro inside termux.