Unable to add registries through proxy on Julia 1.7.1, Julia 1.7.0

I have not managed to run Julia 1.7.1, Julia 1.7.0.
Each new version of Julia repeats this problem to me. I have repeated the solutions for the previous versions, without success !!!

   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.7.1 (2021-12-22)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/                   |

(@v1.7) pkg> st
  Installing known registries into `C:\Users\Hermesr\.julia`
β”Œ Warning: could not download https://pkg.julialang.org/registries
β”‚   exception = Failed to connect to fproxy2.ecp.elco.co.il port 8080: Timed out while requesting https://pkg.julialang.org/registries
β”” @ Pkg.Registry C:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Pkg\src\Registry\Registry.jl:82

Did you find a solution ?

No, I haven’t found a solution yet!!!

    Updating registry at `C:\Users\Hermesr\.julia\registries\General`
    Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`
β”Œ Error: Some registries failed to update:
β”‚     β€” C:\Users\Hermesr\.julia\registries\General β€” failed to fetch from repo
β”” @ Pkg.Registry C:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\Pkg\src\Registry\Registry.jl:450
     Cloning [aacddb02-875f-59d6-b918-886e6ef4fbf8] JpegTurbo_jll from https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/JpegTurbo_jll.jl.git
ERROR: failed to clone from https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/JpegTurbo_jll.jl.git, error: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:OS, failed to send request: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally

What exactly have you done for 1.7.1 ?

What happens if you try to open https://pkg.julialang.org/registries with your browser on the same machine?

What Windows version are you running?


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.15]


How about this question?
What have you tried so far to make Julia 1.7.1 aware of your proxy setting?

What have you tried so far to get Julia 1.7.1 to know your proxy settings?
Could you guide me to make this configuration?
I have done everything you can see in this thread:

Can you do this again with 1.7.1:

> (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Z:\>set http_proxy=http://fproxy2.ecp.elco.co.il:8080
> Z:\>set https_proxy=http://fproxy2.ecp.elco.co.il:8080
> Z:\>julia
>                _
>    _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
>   (_)     | (_) (_)    |
>    _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
>   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
>   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.6.1 (2021-04-23)
>  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official https://julialang.org/ release
> |__/                   |
>   [bac558e1] ↑ OrderedCollections v1.4.0 β‡’ v1.4.1
>   [08abe8d2] ↑ PrettyTables v1.0.0 β‡’ v1.0.1
>   [a2af1166] ↑ SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1 β‡’ v1.0.0
>   [90137ffa] ↑ StaticArrays v1.1.2 β‡’ v1.2.0
>   [82ae8749] + StatsAPI v1.0.0
>   [2913bbd2] ↑ StatsBase v0.33.6 β‡’ v0.33.8
> Precompiling project...
>   15 dependencies successfully precompiled in 38 seconds (27 already precompiled)
> (@v1.6) pkg> add Plots
>    Resolving package versions...
>    Installed Libiconv_jll ─ v1.16.1+0
>    Installed Libmount_jll ─ v2.35.0+0
>    Installed Libuuid_jll ── v2.36.0+0
>    Installed XML2_jll ───── v2.9.12+0
>    Installed PCRE_jll ───── v8.44.0+0
>    Installed Libffi_jll ─── v3.2.2+0
>    Installed Expat_jll ──── v2.2.10+0
>   Downloaded artifact: XML2
>   Downloaded artifact: XML2
>   Downloaded artifact: Libffi
>   Downloaded artifact: Expat
>   Downloaded artifact: Libiconv
>   Downloaded artifact: Libiconv
>   Downloaded artifact: PCRE
>   Downloaded artifact: PCRE
>     Updating `C:\Users\Hermesr\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml`
>   [91a5bcdd] + Plots v1.15.0
>     Updating `C:\Users\Hermesr\.julia\environments\v1.6\Manifest.toml`
>   [79e6a3ab] + Adapt v3.3.0
>   [d38c429a] + Contour v0.5.7
>   [c87230d0] + FFMPEG v0.4.0
>   [28b8d3ca] + GR v0.57.4
>   [5c1252a2] + GeometryBasics v0.3.12
>   [42e2da0e] + Grisu v1.0.2
>   [cd3eb016] + HTTP v0.9.8
>   [83e8ac13] + IniFile v0.5.0
>   [c8e1da08] + IterTools v1.3.0
>   [692b3bcd] + JLLWrappers v1.3.0
>   [23fbe1c1] + Latexify v0.15.5
>   [739be429] + MbedTLS v1.0.3
>   [442fdcdd] + Measures v0.3.1
>   [77ba4419] + NaNMath v0.3.5
>   [ccf2f8ad] + PlotThemes v2.0.1
>   [995b91a9] + PlotUtils v1.0.10
>   [91a5bcdd] + Plots v1.15.0
>   [21216c6a] + Preferences v1.2.2
>   [3cdcf5f2] + RecipesBase v1.1.1
>   [01d81517] + RecipesPipeline v0.3.2
>   [ae029012] + Requires v1.1.3
>   [6c6a2e73] + Scratch v1.0.3
>   [992d4aef] + Showoff v1.0.3
>   [09ab397b] + StructArrays v0.5.1
>   [5c2747f8] + URIs v1.3.0
>   [6e34b625] + Bzip2_jll v1.0.6+5
>   [83423d85] + Cairo_jll v1.16.0+6
>   [5ae413db] + EarCut_jll v2.1.5+1
>   [2e619515] + Expat_jll v2.2.10+0
>   [b22a6f82] + FFMPEG_jll v4.3.1+4
>   [a3f928ae] + Fontconfig_jll v2.13.1+14
>   [d7e528f0] + FreeType2_jll v2.10.1+5
>   [559328eb] + FriBidi_jll v1.0.5+6
>   [0656b61e] + GLFW_jll v3.3.4+0
>   [d2c73de3] + GR_jll v0.57.2+0
>   [78b55507] + Gettext_jll v0.20.1+7
>   [7746bdde] + Glib_jll v2.59.0+4
>   [aacddb02] + JpegTurbo_jll v2.0.1+3
>   [c1c5ebd0] + LAME_jll v3.100.0+3
>   [dd4b983a] + LZO_jll v2.10.0+3
>   [dd192d2f] + LibVPX_jll v1.9.0+1
>   [e9f186c6] + Libffi_jll v3.2.2+0
>   [d4300ac3] + Libgcrypt_jll v1.8.5+4
>   [7e76a0d4] + Libglvnd_jll v1.3.0+3
>   [7add5ba3] + Libgpg_error_jll v1.36.0+3
>   [94ce4f54] + Libiconv_jll v1.16.1+0
>   [4b2f31a3] + Libmount_jll v2.35.0+0
>   [89763e89] + Libtiff_jll v4.1.0+2
>   [38a345b3] + Libuuid_jll v2.36.0+0
>   [e7412a2a] + Ogg_jll v1.3.4+2
>   [458c3c95] + OpenSSL_jll v1.1.1+6
>   [91d4177d] + Opus_jll v1.3.1+3
>   [2f80f16e] + PCRE_jll v8.44.0+0
>   [30392449] + Pixman_jll v0.40.0+0
>   [ea2cea3b] + Qt5Base_jll v5.15.2+0
>   [a2964d1f] + Wayland_jll v1.17.0+4
>   [2381bf8a] + Wayland_protocols_jll v1.18.0+4
>   [02c8fc9c] + XML2_jll v2.9.12+0
>   [aed1982a] + XSLT_jll v1.1.33+4
>   [4f6342f7] + Xorg_libX11_jll v1.6.9+4
>   [0c0b7dd1] + Xorg_libXau_jll v1.0.9+4
>   [935fb764] + Xorg_libXcursor_jll v1.2.0+4
>   [a3789734] + Xorg_libXdmcp_jll v1.1.3+4
>   [1082639a] + Xorg_libXext_jll v1.3.4+4
>   [d091e8ba] + Xorg_libXfixes_jll v5.0.3+4
>   [a51aa0fd] + Xorg_libXi_jll v1.7.10+4
>   [d1454406] + Xorg_libXinerama_jll v1.1.4+4
>   [ec84b674] + Xorg_libXrandr_jll v1.5.2+4
>   [ea2f1a96] + Xorg_libXrender_jll v0.9.10+4
>   [14d82f49] + Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll v0.1.0+3
>   [c7cfdc94] + Xorg_libxcb_jll v1.13.0+3
>   [cc61e674] + Xorg_libxkbfile_jll v1.1.0+4
>   [12413925] + Xorg_xcb_util_image_jll v0.4.0+1
>   [2def613f] + Xorg_xcb_util_jll v0.4.0+1
>   [975044d2] + Xorg_xcb_util_keysyms_jll v0.4.0+1
>   [0d47668e] + Xorg_xcb_util_renderutil_jll v0.3.9+1
>   [c22f9ab0] + Xorg_xcb_util_wm_jll v0.4.1+1
>   [35661453] + Xorg_xkbcomp_jll v1.4.2+4
>   [33bec58e] + Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll v2.27.0+4
>   [c5fb5394] + Xorg_xtrans_jll v1.4.0+3
>   [3161d3a3] + Zstd_jll v1.4.8+0
>   [0ac62f75] + libass_jll v0.14.0+4
>   [f638f0a6] + libfdk_aac_jll v0.1.6+4
>   [b53b4c65] + libpng_jll v1.6.37+6
>   [f27f6e37] + libvorbis_jll v1.3.6+6
>   [1270edf5] + x264_jll v2020.7.14+2
>   [dfaa095f] + x265_jll v3.0.0+3
>   [d8fb68d0] + xkbcommon_jll v0.9.1+5
>   [e66e0078] + CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
> Precompiling project...
>   89 dependencies successfully precompiled in 83 seconds (42 already precompiled)
> (@v1.6) pkg>

there is some ENV variable that shows which is the HOSTS or proxy that Julia tries to use.
Just to compare with the one in the example of:

There is something which looks like…

is just not clear enough. Is this the Julia environment dictionary ENV? Or is this your Windows environment? You see?

I would prefer screenshots or copy&paste of what you are doing or which settings your machines has.

Do you have only http_proxy or also https_proxy in your environment?

Why not just doing as above said: In Windows command/cmd console enter:

set http_proxy=http://fproxy2.ecp.elco.co.il:8080
set https_proxy=http://fproxy2.ecp.elco.co.il:8080

and than start Julia in the same console with:


than in this REPL:

] st
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