Julia on ARM64 Windows?

I am wondering how hard is to support ARM64 Windows for Julia.

Natively, not through emulation.

Some information that I know:

  • LLVM do have support for ARM64 Windows.
  • The only Fortran compiler that could target ARM64 Windows is flang.
  • May need special code changes to handle things like SEH on ARM64.
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FTR I moved this topic to the “Internals” part of the forum, which seems more appropriate than “General”.

No idea, but one thing I’d add to your list is that CI is always important for any new platform support.

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See: Julia on Copilot+ PCs? - #2 by Oscar_Smith

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Perhaps test and devopment could be done on a Mac? You can run the ARM version of Windows on a Mac: So läuft Windows 11 auf dem MacBook | heise online Sorry, the link is in German and behind a paywall.