Julia Notable Uses

Nobody is using Julia (yet) to control a satellite (i.e. running Julia code on a satellite, to fully or partially control), that I know of, but Julia helped launch Brazil’s Amazonia-1 satellite (e.g. the “in-orbit sensor calibration”, that I at least think runs on the ground):


  • General mission analysis such as fuel budget computation, orbit planning, ground station visibility analysis, etc.
  • The Amazonia-1 AOCS simulator is 100% written in Julia using the amazing DifferentialEquations.jl ecosystem. The results obtained from it greatly match the real satellite dynamics obtained after the orbit injection.
  • The AOCS telemetry analysis system is also 100% written in Julia. […]
  • The in-orbit sensor calibration required the implementation of Kalman filters, which, of course, was coded in Julia.

We can now say that Julia is truly a part of the Brazilian space program :slight_smile:

This package contains several functions to build simulations related with satellites. It is used on a daily basis on projects at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE)