Julia, JuMP, and Gurobi what MUST be cited?

Which features are you referring to that were abandoned from JuMP 0.18? The only feature I’m aware of is solver-independent callbacks, which will be making a return in JuMP 0.21. The new CPLEX/MOI wrapper compatible with JuMP 0.20 that @odow rewrote was released on November 9th.

I have to push back on the suggestion that JuMP is a toy for your use cases. If you’re already comfortable enough to use CPLEX.jl or Gurobi.jl directly, you can essentially use anything you like from low-level APIs in JuMP’s direct mode. This may not be the easiest way to accomplish what you want compared with the polished Python or C++ APIs for each specific commercial solver, but the low-level APIs are certainly much more accessible from JuMP than from any other solver-independent modeling language that I’m aware of.