Julia installation, Linux

I suck installing things. I better write them from scratch.

So, I runned the script on the Julia site. At the end it said it was successful:

Now installing Juliaup
Installing Julia 1.10.0+0.x64.linux.gnu
Configured the default Julia version to be 'release'.
Julia was successfully installed on your system.

Depending on which shell you are using, run one of the following
commands to reload the PATH environment variable:

. /home/name/.bashrc
. /home/name/.profile

However if I write “julia” it says that the command doesn’t exists.

Do I have to do some arcane magic I missed? I saw some tutorials which exported a path somewhere?

Most of the tutorial start from downloading the tar file, however this is different Download Julia

Did you try something like

. /home/name/.bashrc julia

I think the problem is that you don’t have configure the proper interactive shell. You need to direct to the correct .bashrc file. You can move this the file to your home directory to make it the default. To test this works, open a new terminal and call julia again.

Hope this works!

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Which is your shell? Bash? Zsh?

Did you try restarting your shell ?

Edit: explanations :

Depending on which shell you are using, run one of the following
commands to reload the PATH environment variable:

Your PATH is the list of folder into which your operating systems (here, your shell) looks for executables. When you install something new, thyis might or might not be updated automatically, and the message provides a command to force it to update without ahaving to restart.

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