I’m not pushing anyone, just curious.
Is there, or should, Julia 1.0 be supported in Linux distributions?
I know the prebuilt binaries work, and that e.g. old Julia versions where added, I believe stuck at 0.5 in Ubuntu.
I understand maintaining Julia versions wasn’t a priority with Julia a moving target, thus it was stopped.
We may never replace Python/Perl, or be the default for new code, and to be relied on Julia would have to be preinstalled in all of the major distributions, so is it pointless to try (we can still make Julia apps, and distribute as binaries; or some other I’m not up-to-speed on, Docker/Snap/Flatpack etc.; is distro support/PPAs simply an outdated method, except for core functionality?)?
Still, is it now time, or wait for Julia 2.0…?
I see there’s also a long thread I didn’t read:
Also, to really be able to rely on any Julia runtime (or any other alternative, Python/Perl, PowerShell), you would want the major platforms Windows (and pre-Windows 10?) having it to (and macOS, that only has Python 2, splitting Python support across Unix…), and there’s no such thing for any language (except JavaScript/WebAssemly…) so maybe prebuilt binaries are the thing to do, even though a like the idea of source code distributed.