Julia extension crashes in User mode

but works well in “Admin” mode. Typically happens with Plots/GR. Any ideas?

(Windows 64, Julia 1.8.2, VS code 1.72.1, Julia extension 1.37.2.)

We need more detail :slight_smile: Does the LS crash, the REPL, something else? What are you trying to do? How does “crash” exactly manifest itself?


It manifests itself in an error message from the extension which asks whether I want to submit a report or not. But most things seems to actually work.

I think it takes two things to trigger this: freshly updated packages and using Plots/GR.

Can you post the Output > Julia Language Server content here?

will do as soon as it happens again

  Activating project at `c:\Users\XXX\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-1.37.2\scripts\environments\languageserver\v1.8`
[ Info: Starting the Julia Language Server
[ Info: Symbol server store is at 'c:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\julialang.language-julia\symbolstorev5'.
[ Info: Starting LS at 1665747188
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for Parsers.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/P/Parsers_69de0a69-1ddd-5017-9359-2bf0b02dc9f0/v2.4.2_6c01a9b494f6d2a9fc180a08b182fcb06f0958a0.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for FileIO.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/F/FileIO_5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549/v1.16.0_7be5f99f7d15578798f338f5433b6c432ea8037b.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for SentinelArrays.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/S/SentinelArrays_91c51154-3ec4-41a3-a24f-3f23e20d615c/v1.3.16_efd23b378ea5f2db53a55ae53d3133de4e080aa9.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (43%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for ArrayInterfaceCore.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/A/ArrayInterfaceCore_30b0a656-2188-435a-8636-2ec0e6a096e2/v0.1.22_e9f7992287edfc27b3cbe0046c544bace004ca5b.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (57%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for InlineStrings.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/I/InlineStrings_842dd82b-1e85-43dc-bf29-5d0ee9dffc48/v1.2.2_db619c421554e1e7e07491b85a8f4b96b3f04ca0.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (71%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for DataFrames.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/D/DataFrames_a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0/v1.4.1_558078b0b78278683a7445c626ee78c86b9bb000.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (86%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for MutableArithmetics.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/M/MutableArithmetics_d8a4904e-b15c-11e9-3269-09a3773c0cb0/v1.0.5_1d57a7dc42d563ad6b5e95d7a8aebd550e5162c0.tar.gz
[ Info: All cache files downloaded. (100%)
[ Info: Indexing FileIO... (0%)

That doesn’t look like a crash.

It’s simply “404 Not Found”, so why did it work in “Admin”? Do you have some unusual firewall settings?

It’s what can be seen in Output - Language Server just after the “crash” (crash as in the Julia extension saying that it crashed…). Not sure if it’s related.

I am not at all sure this has much to do with the crash. Also in other runs (when the extension does not complain about crashing), do I see some of this. For instance, just now I see the message below

EDIT: I see such messages also on my other PC, where VS code never seems to crash.

┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for MutableArithmetics.
└   exception = HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/M/MutableArithmetics_d8a4904e-b15c-11e9-3269-09a3773c0cb0/v1.0.5_1d57a7dc42d563ad6b5e95d7a8aebd550e5162c0.tar.gz
[ Info: All cache files downloaded. (100%)
[ Info: Loading ForwardDiff from cache... (0%)

These messages that a file couldn’t be retrieved are not crashes, they are perfectly fine.

Are you sending crash reports? That is the most helpful thing to figure out what is going on.

I followed this request:

Did I send the wrong thing?

Yes, I let the extension send the crash reports.

No, posting the output log is also helpful, because from the crash reports we can rarely tell which one comes from whom, they are anonymized to some extend (doesn’t always work, though). But crash reports include a ton of useful information, in a lot of instances enough to really pin down what went wrong.