I just read through your earlier posts more thoroughly – great work!
If you’re referring to all the Base.Cartesian.@nexprs 4 u -> ...
, this is because of instruction latency.
If you’d like some reading material, I found Performance Speed Limits interesting and informative. By unrolling 4 times, eg
julia> using MacroTools
julia> prettify(@macroexpand Base.Cartesian.@nexprs 4 u -> begin
xi = SIMD.vload(Vec{W,T}, x, offset)
s_u, ei = two_sum(s_u, xi)
e_u += ei
offset += W
xi = SIMD.vload(Vec{W, T}, x, offset)
(s_1, ei) = two_sum(s_1, xi)
e_1 += ei
offset += W
xi = SIMD.vload(Vec{W, T}, x, offset)
(s_2, ei) = two_sum(s_2, xi)
e_2 += ei
offset += W
xi = SIMD.vload(Vec{W, T}, x, offset)
(s_3, ei) = two_sum(s_3, xi)
e_3 += ei
offset += W
xi = SIMD.vload(Vec{W, T}, x, offset)
(s_4, ei) = two_sum(s_4, xi)
e_4 += ei
offset += W
We are no longer bottle necked by instruction latency. Agner Fog’s instruction tables say that on Skylake(-X) the vectorized add, sub, mul, and fma instructions each have a latency of 4 clock cycles. These vary a little from one CPU family to another.
The Intel chips and 7 nm Ryzens should also be able to issue 2 instructions per clock cycle.
So that means to maximize performance, we need to have up to 8 instructions going at a time.
A simple example to see this, a rather naive sum function:
using VectorizationBase, SIMDPirates
@generated function usum(x::AbstractArray{T}, ::Val{Ushift} = Val(2)) where {T,Ushift}
@assert 0 ≤ Ushift < 6
U = 1 << Ushift
W, shift = VectorizationBase.pick_vector_width_shift(T)
totalshift = shift + Ushift
WU = 1 << totalshift
WT = W * sizeof(T)
q = quote
ptrx = pointer(x)
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $U u -> begin
s_u = SIMDPirates.vbroadcast(Vec{$W,$T}, zero($T))
offset = 0
N = length(x)
for i in 1:(N >> $totalshift)
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $U u -> begin
s_u = SIMDPirates.vadd(s_u, SIMDPirates.vload(Vec{$W,$T}, ptrx + offset))
offset += $WT
rem = N & $(WU - 1)
for i in 1:(rem >> $shift)
s_1 = SIMDPirates.vadd(s_1, SIMDPirates.vload(Vec{$W,$T}, ptrx + offset))
offset += $WT
rem &= $(W-1)
if rem > 0
s_1 = SIMDPirates.vadd(s_1, SIMDPirates.vload(Vec{$W,$T}, ptrx + offset), VectorizationBase.mask(Val{$W}(), rem))
Uh = U
while Uh > 1
Uh >>= 1
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $Uh u -> begin
s_u = SIMDPirates.vadd(s_u, s_{u + $Uh})
push!(q.args, :(SIMDPirates.vsum(s_1)))
I wanted the unroll factor to be a power of 2; so the function takes a Val
argument Ushift
, and we unroll by 2^Ushift = 1<<Ushift
(on top of the vectorization unrolling).
We need large vectors to see benefit. Picking the largest vector that still fits in the L1 cache:
julia> first(VectorizationBase.CACHE_SIZE) ÷ sizeof(Float64)
julia> x = rand(ans);
and running benchmarks:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime sum($x)
296.868 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(0)) # unroll = 1 (no unrolling)
471.189 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(1)) # unroll = 2^1 = 2
249.814 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(2)) # unroll = 2^2 = 4
132.902 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(3)) # unroll = 2^3 = 8
84.432 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(4)) # unroll = 2^4 = 16
89.227 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime usum($x, Val(5)) # unroll = 2^5 = 32
108.952 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
We can see that performance does indeed peak when we unroll by 8, which breaks up the dependency chain enough so that 8 vadd
instructions are running at a time.
The difference is much less for smaller vectors. And if we’re summing less than 64 elements, unrolling by 8 means we’re actually not unrolling at all.
I actually realize now that I was too aggressive with the choice of 4. Our functions have a lot more going on than just repetitive adds, giving the CPU more to do without the need to break up dependency chains. Even just focusing on floating point arithmetic, your two_sum
function can take advantage of order execution:
# D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical Algorithms, 1969.
function two_sum(a::T, b::T) where T <: Union{Real, Vec}
x = a + b
z = x - a
e = (a - (x-z)) + (b-z)
(x, e)
and z
, and then x-z
and b-z
can each be calculated at the same time, for example.
As always, make hypothesis to try and understand what’s going on, and then test them. I modified your improvements to sum_kahan
so that it will take arbitrary unrolls, like the simple sum function from earlier:
using VectorizationBase, SIMDPirates
using SIMDPirates: evadd, evsub
function two_sum(a::T, b::T) where T <: NTuple
x = evadd(a, b)
z = evsub(x, a)
e = evadd(evsub(a, evsub(x, z)),
evsub(b, z))
(x, e)
function two_sum(a::T, b::T) where T <: Real
x = a + b
z = x - a
e = (a - (x-z)) + (b-z)
(x, e)
@generated function sum_kahan(x::AbstractArray{T}, ::Val{Ushift} = Val{1}()) where {T <: Union{Float32,Float64}, Ushift}
@assert 0 ≤ Ushift < 6
U = 1 << Ushift
W, shift = VectorizationBase.pick_vector_width_shift(T)
sizeT = sizeof(T)
WT = W * sizeT
WU = W*U
V = SIMDPirates.Vec{W,T}
q = quote
px = pointer(x)
N = length(x)
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $U u -> begin
s_u = SIMDPirates.vbroadcast($V, zero($T))
c_u = SIMDPirates.vbroadcast($V, zero($T))
Nshift = N >> $(shift + Ushift)
offset = 0
for n in 1:Nshift
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $U u -> begin
x_u = SIMDPirates.vload($V, px + offset)
t_u = SIMDPirates.evadd(s_u, x_u)
m_u = SIMDPirates.vless(SIMDPirates.vabs(x_u), SIMDPirates.vabs(s_u))
subfrom_u = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_u, s_u, x_u)
addto_u = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_u, x_u, s_u)
c_u = SIMDPirates.evsub(c_u, SIMDPirates.evadd(SIMDPirates.evsub(subfrom_u, t_u), addto_u))
s_u = t_u
offset += $WT
rem = N & $(WU-1)
for n in 1:(rem >> $shift)
x_1 = SIMDPirates.vload($V, px + offset)
t_1 = SIMDPirates.evadd(s_1, x_1)
m_1 = SIMDPirates.vless(SIMDPirates.vabs(x_1), SIMDPirates.vabs(s_1))
subfrom_1 = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_1, s_1, x_1)
addto_1 = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_1, x_1, s_1)
c_1 = SIMDPirates.evsub(c_1, SIMDPirates.evadd(SIMDPirates.evsub(subfrom_1, t_1), addto_1))
s_1 = t_1
offset += $WT
rem &= $(W-1)
if rem > 0
mask = VectorizationBase.mask(Val{$W}(), rem)
x_2 = SIMDPirates.vload($V, px + offset, mask)
t_2 = SIMDPirates.evadd(s_2, x_2)
m_2 = SIMDPirates.vless(SIMDPirates.vabs(x_2), SIMDPirates.vabs(s_2))
subfrom_2 = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_2, s_2, x_2)
addto_2 = SIMDPirates.vifelse(m_2, x_2, s_2)
c_2 = SIMDPirates.evsub(c_2, SIMDPirates.evadd(SIMDPirates.evsub(subfrom_2, t_2), addto_2))
s_2 = t_2
es = SIMDPirates.vbroadcast($V, zero($T))
Uh = U
while Uh > 1
Uh >>= 1
qtemp = quote
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $Uh u -> begin
c_u = SIMDPirates.evadd(c_u, c_{u+$Uh})
(s_u, e) = two_sum(s_u, s_{u+$Uh})
es = SIMDPirates.evadd(es, e)
push!(q.args, qtemp)
qscalarreduce = quote
s = zero(T)
e = SIMDPirates.vsum(es) - SIMDPirates.vsum(c_1)
for si in s_1
s, ei = two_sum(s, si.value)
e += ei
s + e
push!(q.args, qscalarreduce)
Now, we see that 2^1 = 2
, and not 4 as I used, leads to the best performance:
julia> y = 10^14 .* sin.(LinRange(0, 2π, 4096));
julia> @btime sum($y)
282.450 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum(big, $y)
375.410 μs (16382 allocations: 895.89 KiB)
julia> @btime sum_kbn($y)
5.098 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_kahan($y, Val(0))
738.659 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_kahan($y, Val(1))
607.716 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_kahan($y, Val(2))
623.291 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime sum_kahan($y, Val(3))
631.864 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
I’d guess that sum_oro_vec
will also see slightly better performance with 2x instead of 4x.