Julia and GoogleMaps

Dear all,

I 'd like to plot my GPS points (LLA) on Googlemaps with Julia and also would like to plot a route between two GPS points on GoogleMaps again via julia. I did a little bit of research on the forums but couldn’t really find a clear answer for this nor an example of Julia and GoogleMaps interact. Anyone knows a way or example to do?

Any help would be appreciated


Googlemaps or GoogleEarth?

Googlemaps, since I will try to find quickest path using real-time traffic data between the two GPS points.

Thank you

To GE one give it .kml/.kmz, what data do you supply to googlemaps?

All of my data is in .csv files as longitude, latitude, altitude, date and time.

Forio had a related demo with code that used to work not so long ago, it might be a useful place to start.


Thank you very much for your response Ilya,

I checked them before I posted this topic here, but the code is more for modeling, and doeesn’t give us an idea of how Julia and GoogleMaps are interacting with

But again, without Julia, how do you send in you data to GoogleMaps? Is there any equivalent to the kml/kmz for GE?

I dont know how GoogleMaps is accepting data, but all I have is a CSV file that includes date-time-longitude-latitude-altitude data. I can change the file format to any file that is convenient for GoogleMaps, but before that, I need to know a way to plot GoogleMaps in Julia

Thank you

Not sure how/if you can interact with Google Maps using Julia as Google Map API is, I think, only available in JavaScript.

But I’d be also interested by such a project…

An other approach could be to create a KML file ie an XML file (or a KMZ file an XML compressed file) and open such file using Google Earth.

I own a Bluetooth GPS logger (XGPS160) which directly output such KML file.

Here is an example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
		<Data name="GPSModelName">
			<value>Dual XGPS160</value>
				<when>2019-11-05T17:38:28Z</when><gx:coord>1.299213 44.399460 95.4</gx:coord>
				<when>2019-11-05T17:38:32Z</when><gx:coord>1.299214 44.399464 95.5</gx:coord>



My opinion is that there is a room for a developer (or several developers) to be able to create such files in a quite human understandable API (probably on top of libraries such as LightXML.jl or EzXML.jl

Such a project could be quite similar to Python libraries such as pyKML (seems to be unmaintained), fastkml, simplekml

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GMT.jl can produce kml. I haven’t tested it much for that purpose but since GMT can so must GMT.jl


Integration of Julia with tools such as Cesium / CesiumJS may be also interesting.