Julia analogue of C struct?


typedef  struct {
    unsigned  char data [ 64 ];
} my_pubkey;


Всем привет!
Как преобразовать тип для ccall?
Вот код на C

typedef  struct {
    unsigned  char data [ 64 ];
} my_pubkey;

that’s what I was trying to do on Julia

struct pubkey
    Cuchar::NTuple{64, Int}

private_key = 7

pub = ccall((:secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create, "/usr/local/lib/libsecp256k1.so"), Int, (Pair{Int64, Int64}, Ref{pubkey}, Int32), secp256k1_ctx, pubkey, private_key)

You should use either UInt8 or Cuchar, not Int, in the NTuple, to match the C definition, i.e., also it’s better not to use a Julia type for a field name, i.e.

struct my_pubkey
    data::NTuple{64, Cuchar}

will exactly match the C definition.

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Thank you!
And how to correctly pass the argument to the pubkey in call?
type of data use nothing?

struct secp256k1_pubkey
    data::NTuple{64, Cuchar}

pubkey = secp256k1_pubkey
private_key = 7

pub = ccall((:secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create, "/usr/local/lib/libsecp256k1.so"), Int, (Pair{Int64, Int64}, nothing, Int32), secp256k1_ctx, pubkey, private_key)

function should change pubkey (&pubkey)

You should use triple backquotes, followed by julia, to quote code in Discourse (and end it with a line with triple backquotes).
You are setting pubkey to the type secp256k1_pubkey, not to an instance of it.
I think that to pass to C, you should create a Ref{secp256k1_pubkey}(). (you used to be able to use a &, like C, which was special syntax only for ccall, but I believe that’s been removed).

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You should use triple backquotes, followed by julia, to quote code…

Well, I was talking specifically about the code @1112 first posted, of course.
More generally, triple backquotes followed by the name of a (supported) language, such as julia, c, python, etc.

You are right! :slight_smile: I just want to say that you don’t need to specify julia because it seems to be default on this discourse forum.


I hadn’t even realized that you could set a forum specific default… good to know! Thanks!