Julia 1.2 not signed correctly on macOS?

I’m not new to Julia, but when I downloaded the macOS package for Julia, opened it, moved the package to the Applications directory, and launched it, I get.

“Julia-1.2” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.

Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store and identified developers.

Chrome downloaded this file today at 10:11 PM from julialang.org .

Now, I know how to override this, but I seem to remember all the previous versions of Julia working without any overrides.

Have I simply forgotten (possible…) or did something change with signing the macOS build? I also searched and searched for ‘unidentified developer’ ‘julia’

I’m on Mojave 10.14.6

Xref: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/33141

Thanks – I figured someone must have reported this but I really couldn’t find it!

It is happening again in the new version of MacOS.

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This is a new issue. MacOS Catalina is now asking for “Notarization” in addition to code signing. It’s on our radar and hopefully we’ll find a workable solution soon. In the meantime, you can right-click on the app and “open” it manually (I think; haven’t updated myself yet).


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