JSServe crashing when recording plot of matrix views

Hello everyone,

consider the following MWE code

using Observables, JSServe, WGLMakie, Markdown

App() do session::Session
	n = Slider(5:10)
	xs = 1:10
	ys = rand(length(xs))

	fig = Figure()
	axis = Axis(fig[1,1])

	xshort = @lift view(xs, ($n) : length(xs))
	yshort = @lift view(ys, ($n) : length(ys))

	lines!(axis, xs, ys)
	lines!(axis, xshort, yshort)

	slider = DOM.div("Slider: ", n, n.value)
    return JSServe.record_states(session, DOM.div(slider, fig))

This code crashes on the error ERROR: DimensionMismatch: arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths 5 and 6 (I can include the full stacktrace if necessary)

I should also note that if you just write

n = Slider(5:10)
xs = 1:10
ys = rand(length(xs))

fig = Figure()
axis = Axis(fig[1,1])

xshort = @lift view(xs, ($n) : length(xs))
yshort = @lift view(ys, ($n) : length(ys))

lines!(axis, xs, ys)
lines!(axis, xshort, yshort)


then all works nice and well. Any idea why this happens?

Thanks a lot