I would like to write some multi-D Array into JSON and parse it back.
I tried using JSON.jl :
julia> using JSON
julia> ar=rand(2,2,2)
2×2×2 Array{Float64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.238296 0.813746
0.156503 0.953343[:, :, 2] =
0.518232 0.185695
0.644104 0.820459julia> ar_json=JSON.json(ar)
“[[[0.23829646658262904,0.15650270743089711],[0.8137457610137939,0.9533428752270887]],[[0.5182318303002098,0.6441044583930384],[0.18569459908985997,0.8204588699553217]]]”julia> ar_decode=JSON.parse(ar_json)
2-element Array{Any,1}:
Any[Any[0.23829646658262904, 0.15650270743089711], Any[0.8137457610137939, 0.9533428752270887]]
Any[Any[0.5182318303002098, 0.6441044583930384], Any[0.18569459908985997, 0.8204588699553217]]
As you can see decoded variable ar_decode is not of the some data type as my source variable ar.
What am I missing?