what’s a good way of doing that? The obvious way is ab = vcat(a,b), but that is creating a new array (my example is small, my real case is large).
Any clever way of doing it without having to create a new array and without a bunch of if statements to switch from a to b inside the loop (and, obviously, without 2 for loops)?
Thanks for the answer.
Any way to do this with no allocations? Also, is there the option to output the index as well? I can always build the index myself, of course.
Here’s an example:
function tmpfun(a,b)
for element in Iterators.flatten([a,b])
return acc
julia> @benchmark sum(thing for thing in Iterators.flatten((A,B))) setup = begin A = rand(10); B = rand(20) end
memory estimate: 0 bytes
allocs estimate: 0
minimum time: 14.113 ns (0.00% GC)
median time: 14.315 ns (0.00% GC)
mean time: 14.414 ns (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 38.939 ns (0.00% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 999
julia> @benchmark sum(thing for thing in Iterators.flatten([A,B])) setup = begin A = rand(10); B = rand(20) end
memory estimate: 96 bytes
allocs estimate: 1
minimum time: 41.994 ns (0.00% GC)
median time: 44.209 ns (0.00% GC)
mean time: 47.920 ns (4.97% GC)
maximum time: 1.501 μs (96.88% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 993
Edit: sorry, sudete already answered this
Also, is there the option to output the index as well?
Just the running number? You can wrap an enumerate around it. Or do you mean the indices into a and b? That would be a tiny bit more code, but you probably wouldn’t want to concatenate them in that case. It’s easily solved by sudete. I’d say we have a draw here sudete
julia> for (i,thing) in enumerate(Iterators.flatten((a,b)))
# do something useful here
print(i," ",thing," ")
1 0.11576933628769859 2 0.5420240722242764 3 0.2224035318833757 [...]
If you want a single index sequence from 1 to the total number, you can use for (i, x) in enumerate(Iterators.flatten((a, b))).
If you want the original indices from the arrays, you can do
function f(a,b)
for (i, x) in Iterators.flatten((pairs(a), pairs(b)))
println("$i: $x")
julia> f([1,2,3], [40,50])
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
1: 40
2: 50
This also works with non-standard arrays with indices starting at 0 or whatever, and it doesn’t allocate:
function f(a,b)
acc_i, acc_x = 0, 0
for (i, x) in Iterators.flatten((pairs(a), pairs(b)))
acc_i += i
acc_x += x
return (acc_i, acc_x)
julia> @btime f($[1,2,3], $[40, 50])
15.846 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
And in case anyone is curious, I compared tmpfun to
function tmpfun2(a,b)
for i in 1:length(a)
for i in 1:length(b)
return acc,acc2
So it seems like there is no performance penalty!
The allocations happen when I return acc,acc2. If I return acc+acc2 there are no allocations. So it’s allocating the array that gets returned, I guess (no clue as to why it says 3 allocations, but that’s not really an issue).
Thanks again!
These allocations are due to a type instability: acc2 starts as an integer but is later assigned a float. You can see this by running @code_warntype tmpfun2(a,b).
To fix it you can initialize acc2=0.0, or to work with any element type: acc2=zero(eltype(a)).
If a and b can have different element types, you would need zero(promote_type(eltype(a), eltype(b))) but you would get lots of allocations from Iterators.flatten anyway…
Yep, I’m familiar with Gauss’ formula. The accumulator was just a demo. My real code is way more complicated, but requires the indices as well (to access other vectors that are as long as a+b).