I am trying to save the FMU file generated using the FMIExport package, as per the examples provided in the Manipulation
folder. The following is the Julia code that I used from the example:
using FMI
using FMIExport
using FMICore
using FMIZoo
#import FMIBuild:fmi2Save
originalGetReal = nothing # function pointer to the original fmi2GetReal c-function
# function change to be implemented
# custom function for fmi2GetReal!(fmi2Component, Union{Array{fmi2ValueReference}, Ptr{fmi2ValueReference}}, Csize_t, value::Union{Array{fmi2Real}, Ptr{fmi2Real}}::fmi2Status
# for information on how the FMI2-functions are structured, have a look inside FMICore.jl/src/FMI2_c.jl or the FMI2.0.3-specification on fmi-standard.org
function myGetReal!(c::fmi2Component, vr::Union{Array{fmi2ValueReference}, Ptr{fmi2ValueReference}}, nvr::Csize_t, value::Union{Array{fmi2Real}, Ptr{fmi2Real}})
global originalGetReal
# first, we do what the original function does
status = fmi2GetReal!(originalGetReal, c, vr, nvr, value)
# if we have a pointer to an array, we must interprete it as array to access elements
if isa(value, Ptr{fmi2Real})
value = unsafe_wrap(Array{fmi2Real}, value, nvr, own=false)
if isa(vr, Ptr{fmi2Real})
vr = unsafe_wrap(Array{fmi2Real}, vr, nvr, own=false)
# now, we multiply the position sensor output by two (just for fun!)
for i in 1:nvr
if vr[i] == 335544320 # value reference for "positionSensor.s"
value[i] *= 2.0
# ... and we return the original status
return status
#overwriting original fun with new fun, after loading fmu
# this function is called, as soon as the DLL is loaded and Julia is initialized
# must return a FMU2-instance to work with
FMIBUILD_CONSTRUCTOR = function(resPath)
global originalGetReal
# loads an existing FMU inside the FMU
fmu = loadFMU(joinpath(resPath, "SpringDamperPendulum1D.fmu"))
# save, where the original `fmi2GetReal` function was stored, so we can access it in our new function
originalGetReal = fmu.cGetReal
# now we overwrite the original function
fmi2SetFctGetReal(fmu, myGetReal!)
return fmu
import FMIZoo
#path to save fmu
tmpDir = mktempdir(; prefix="fmibuildjl_test_", cleanup=false)
@info "Saving example files at: $(tmpDir)"
fmu_save_path = joinpath(tmpDir, "Manipulation.fmu")
sourceFMU = FMIZoo.get_model_filename("SpringDamperPendulum1D", "Dymola", "2022x")
fmu = FMIBUILD_CONSTRUCTOR(dirname(sourceFMU)) # -> returns desired fmu after implementing changed function
but the issue arises when i run the below code snippet
using FMIBuild
FMIBuild.saveFMU(fmu, fmu_save_path)
this throws the following error,
ERROR: AssertionError: ["fmiBuild(...): Cannot find a package where this file is stored in. For FMU-Export, this source file needs to be inside of a package."]
I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to resolve this issue.
Or else, it would be really helpful if someone can provide me a julia script of simplest case where i can import a fmu, manipulate a single parameter value and then save the manipulated fmu.
Thank you in advance!