I’m using Documenter.jl
to create documentation for a non-julia project. Creating the website works fine, but I can’t make a pdf with the docker image. If I understand correctly, LaTeXWriter
misses the pictures.
Julia error message:
julia> include("makepdf.jl")
[ Info: SetupBuildDirectory: setting up build directory.
[ Info: ExpandTemplates: expanding markdown templates.
[ Info: CrossReferences: building cross-references.
[ Info: CheckDocument: running document checks.
[ Info: Populate: populating indices.
[ Info: RenderDocument: rendering document.
[ Info: LaTeXWriter: rendering PDF.
[ Info: LaTeXWriter: using docker to compile tex.
┌ Error: LaTeXWriter: failed to compile tex with docker. Logs and partial output can be found in C:\Users\cstamas\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_321C.tmp.
│ exception =
│ failed process: Process(`docker exec -u zeptodoctor latex-container bash -c 'mkdir /home/zeptodoctor/build
│ cd /home/zeptodoctor/build
│ cp -r /mnt/. .
│ latexmk -f -interaction=nonstopmode -view=none -lualatex -shell-escape URSZTAKI.tex
│ '`, ProcessExited(12)) [12]
└ @ Documenter.Writers.LaTeXWriter C:\Users\cstamas\.julia\packages\Documenter\8vUAI\src\Writers\LaTeXWriter.jl:166
One error from the LaTeXWriter.stderr
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'ursztaki_segedprogramok.png' from line
'LaTeX Warning: File `ursztaki_segedprogramok.png' not found on input line 533.'
versions: Documenter v0.22.2
, DocumenterLaTeX v0.2.0
, DocumenterMarkdown v0.2.0
I don’t know where to start debugging. Could you please point me where the error is? I happily provide more informations/log files/etc.
Edit1: makepdf.jl
using Documenter
using DocumenterLaTeX
makedocs(sitename = "URSZTAKI",
format = LaTeX(platform = "docker"),
pages = ["Home" => "index.md",
"Guidelines" => "guidelines.md",
"Információk" => ["Hírek, információk" => "hírek.md",
"Hasznos linkek - UR" => "hasznos_linkek.md"],
"Releasek" => "releases.md",
"Külső programok" => ["URSZTAKI Mathematica" => "kulso_programok/mathematica.md" ,
"URSZTAKI segédprogramok" => "ursztaki_segedprogramok/URSZTAKI_helpers.md",
"RoboProg" => "kulso_programok/RoboProg.md"],
"Telepítési instrukciók" => ["Támogatott robotok" => "instrukciok/tamogatott_robotok.md",
"URSZTAKI telepítés" => "instrukciok/telepites/URSZTAKI_telepites.md",
"URSZTAKI telepítés URCappel" => "instrukciok/URSZTAKI_telepites_urcap.md",
"Node-Red telepítés" => "instrukciok/node-red_telepites/Node-Red_telepites.md",
"URSZTAKI Node-Red Dashboard" => "instrukciok/URSZTAKI-NR-dashboard.md"],
"URSZTAKI dokumentáció" => ["URSZTAKI leírás" => "dokumentaciok/URSZTAKI_leírás.md",
"URCap leírás" => "dokumentaciok/URCap.md",
#"Taskok jegyzéke" => "dokumentaciok/taskjegyzek.md",
"Node-Red flow leírás" => "dokumentaciok/Node-Red_flow_leiras.md",
"Regiszterek" => "dokumentaciok/regiszterek.md",
"Task fejlesztés guide" => "dokumentaciok/task_fejlesztes.md",
"URSZTAKI-Erőszenzorok" => "dokumentaciok/URSZTAKI-eroszenzorok.md",
"Hibakódok" => "dokumentaciok/hibakodok.md",
"RTDE" => "dokumentaciok/RTDE.md"]
(Edit2: to clarify, the website build is perfectly fine, every image is in it’s place.)