Issue with AlgebraOfGraphics.jl: MethodError when using data(df)

I’m trying to plot timing data using AlgebraOfGraphics.jl and CairoMakie.jl. My data consists of timestamps (in seconds) and hit types (early, perfect, late). The hit types are mapped to numeric values:

  • "early"-1.0
  • "perfect"0.0
  • "late"1.0

I create a DataFrame from the data and pass it to data(df), but I keep getting a MethodError. Here’s my code:

using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using DataFrames

function load_json(filepath)
    open(filepath, "r") do file
        return JSON.parse(file)

function process_data(json_data)
    times = []
    hit_types = []
    for entry in json_data
        for miss in entry["Details"]["miss"]
            time = miss["time"]
            offset = entry["Details"]["offset"]
            if offset < 0
                hit_type = "early"
            elseif offset == 0
                hit_type = "perfect"
                hit_type = "late"
            push!(times, time)
            push!(hit_types, hit_type)

    return times, hit_types

function plot_hits(times, hit_types)
    hit_mapping = Dict("early" => -1.0, "perfect" => 0.0, "late" => 1.0)
    hit_nums = [hit_mapping[hit] for hit in hit_types]

    times_clean = Float64.(collect(times))
    hit_nums_clean = Float64.(collect(hit_nums))

    df = DataFrame(time=times_clean, hit_type=hit_nums_clean)

    column_table = Tables.columntable(df)
    spec = data(column_table) * mapping(:time, :hit_type) * visual(Lines)

    spec |> draw

json_filepath = "Implementierung/src/return.json"
json_data = load_json(json_filepath)
times, hit_types = process_data(json_data)
plot_hits(times, hit_types)

The DataFrame looks fine:
10×2 DataFrame
Row │ time hit_type
1 │ 0.0 0.0
2 │ 15.0 1.0
3 │ 8.0 1.0
4 │ 14.0 1.0
5 │ 6.0 1.0
6 │ 10.0 1.0
7 │ 7.0 1.0
8 │ 12.0 1.0
9 │ 15.0 1.0
10 │ 9.0 1.0

When I run the function, I get the following error:

ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Vector{Any} are not callable
Use square brackets for indexing an Array.
The object of type Vector{Any} exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types when trying to treat it as a callable object.
[1] plot_hits(times::Vector{Any}, hit_types::Vector{Any})
@ Main c:\Users\margo\JuliaRepo\j2\Implementierung\src\TimeGraph.jl:55
[2] top-level scope
@ c:\Users\margo\JuliaRepo\j2\Implementierung\src\TimeGraph.jl:63

Why don’t the stack trace’s line numbers match the code you shared? The code only has 56 lines, the stack trace starts at line 63. If we treat the plot_hits call on the last line as line 63 instead, then line 55 would be spec = ..., so data, mapping, visual are called, worth a type check.