I’m trying to plot timing data using AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
and CairoMakie.jl
. My data consists of timestamps (in seconds) and hit types (early
, perfect
, late
). The hit types are mapped to numeric values:
I create a DataFrame
from the data and pass it to data(df)
, but I keep getting a MethodError
. Here’s my code:
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
function load_json(filepath)
open(filepath, "r") do file
return JSON.parse(file)
function process_data(json_data)
times = []
hit_types = []
for entry in json_data
for miss in entry["Details"]["miss"]
time = miss["time"]
offset = entry["Details"]["offset"]
if offset < 0
hit_type = "early"
elseif offset == 0
hit_type = "perfect"
hit_type = "late"
push!(times, time)
push!(hit_types, hit_type)
return times, hit_types
function plot_hits(times, hit_types)
hit_mapping = Dict("early" => -1.0, "perfect" => 0.0, "late" => 1.0)
hit_nums = [hit_mapping[hit] for hit in hit_types]
times_clean = Float64.(collect(times))
hit_nums_clean = Float64.(collect(hit_nums))
df = DataFrame(time=times_clean, hit_type=hit_nums_clean)
column_table = Tables.columntable(df)
spec = data(column_table) * mapping(:time, :hit_type) * visual(Lines)
spec |> draw
json_filepath = "Implementierung/src/return.json"
json_data = load_json(json_filepath)
times, hit_types = process_data(json_data)
plot_hits(times, hit_types)
The DataFrame
looks fine:
10×2 DataFrame
Row │ time hit_type
1 │ 0.0 0.0
2 │ 15.0 1.0
3 │ 8.0 1.0
4 │ 14.0 1.0
5 │ 6.0 1.0
6 │ 10.0 1.0
7 │ 7.0 1.0
8 │ 12.0 1.0
9 │ 15.0 1.0
10 │ 9.0 1.0
When I run the function, I get the following error:
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Vector{Any} are not callable
Use square brackets for indexing an Array.
The object of type Vector{Any}
exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types when trying to treat it as a callable object.
[1] plot_hits(times::Vector{Any}, hit_types::Vector{Any})
@ Main c:\Users\margo\JuliaRepo\j2\Implementierung\src\TimeGraph.jl:55
[2] top-level scope
@ c:\Users\margo\JuliaRepo\j2\Implementierung\src\TimeGraph.jl:63