Is VSCode `@profview` broken on 1.11?

When I run the profiling code from this example in VSCode with Julia 1.11, the flame graph is empty. With Julia 1.10 it displays the usual way.

function profile_test(n)
    for i = 1:n
        A = randn(100,100,20)
        m = maximum(A)
        Am = mapslices(sum, A; dims=2)
        B = A[:,:,5]
        Bsort = mapslices(sort, B; dims=1)
        b = rand(100)
        C = B.*b

# compilation
@profview profile_test(1)
# pure runtime
@profview profile_test(10)

I’m not sure it is only a VSCode problem because I have observed similar behaviors with ProfileCanvas.jl and ProfileSVG.jl.