Is this possible to fix "type instability" with IndexedTable operations?

Consider the following code and its @code_warntype

t = table([1,1,2,2], [1,2,1,2], [1,2,3,4], names=[:a,:b,:c], pkey = (:a, :b))
function my_function(t::T) where {T<:IndexedTable}, IndexedTables.Not(:c))
 return IndexedTables.transform(t, :c => collect(5:8))
julia> @code_warntype my_function(t)
  #self#::Core.Compiler.Const(my_function, false)
  t::IndexedTable{StructArrays.StructArray{NamedTuple{(:a, :b, :c),Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}},1,NamedTuple{(:a, :b, :c),Tuple{Array{Int64,1},Array{Int64,1},Array{Int64,1}}},Int64}}

1 ─ %1 =, false)
│   %2 = IndexedTables.Not::Core.Compiler.Const(IndexedTables.Not, false)
│   %3 = (%2)(:c)::Core.Compiler.Const(IndexedTables.Not{Symbol}(:c), false)
│        (%1)(t, %3)
│   %5 = IndexedTables.transform::Core.Compiler.Const(IndexedTables.transform, false)
│   %6 = (5:8)::Core.Compiler.Const(5:8, false)
│   %7 = Main.collect(%6)::Array{Int64,1}
│   %8 = (:c => %7)::Core.Compiler.PartialStruct(Pair{Symbol,Array{Int64,1}}, Any[Core.Compiler.Const(:c, false), Array{Int64,1}])
│   %9 = (%5)(t, %8)::Any
└──      return %9

Is the possible to fix such a “type-instability” so that return type is not Any but a concrete type? Given that I know the types of each column of the IndexedTable, I was thinking that one should be able to patch this up but maybe I’m misunderstanding and any explanation will be instructive for me. Thanks!

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