Is there any way to remove the docstrings for all methods of a function?

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I want to replace the docstring of a function.

Let’s say I define a function with documentation.

function test_function()

Now I want to replace the documentation.

@doc "replacement" test_function

But the doc string is only appended to, not replaced.

@doc test_function

Ok, I’ve figured out a bit more what’s going on here.

function test_function()

replaces the docstring for a particular method,


@doc "replacement" test_function

seems to replace the docstring for the function in general.

So I’ve update the title accordingly

I’m not sure I understood your question, but you’ve to keep in mind that you can replace the docstring only for a method that has the same signature. If you use ?functionname you’ll see the docstrings for all methods, if you want to see the docstring of a specific method, you have to specify the signature ?foo(arguments...).

See the following examples:

julia> foo(x::AbstractFloat) = x
foo (generic function with 1 method)

julia> foo(x::Integer) = 2x
foo (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> foo(x) = 3x
foo (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> @doc "old generic docstring" foo

julia> @doc "old docstring for floating argument" foo(::AbstractFloat)

julia> @doc "old docstring for integer argument" foo(::Integer)

help?> foo
search: floor pointer_from_objref OverflowError RoundFromZero FileMonitor functionloc StackOverflowError @functionloc Factorization

  old generic docstring

  old docstring for floating argument

  old docstring for integer argument

help?> foo(3)
  old docstring for integer argument

help?> foo(4.0)
  old docstring for floating argument

julia> @doc "new generic docstring" foo
WARNING: replacing docs for 'foo :: Union{}' in module 'Main'.

julia> @doc "new docstring for floating argument" foo(::AbstractFloat)
WARNING: replacing docs for 'foo :: Tuple{AbstractFloat}' in module 'Main'.

julia> @doc "new docstring for integer argument" foo(::Integer)
WARNING: replacing docs for 'foo :: Tuple{Integer}' in module 'Main'.

help?> foo
search: floor pointer_from_objref OverflowError RoundFromZero FileMonitor functionloc StackOverflowError @functionloc Factorization

  new generic docstring

  new docstring for floating argument

  new docstring for integer argument

help?> foo(5)
  new docstring for integer argument

help?> foo(7.4)
  new docstring for floating argument

Ok, that’s pretty helpful to know. But if I wanted to create


it would quite difficult, then? I’d have to figure out all method signatures and individually remove each docstring?

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It would be helpful to know more about the problem you want to solve. Julia is a dynamic language, in the sense that you can manipulate the image, but people usually just add and overwrite docstrings, removing them is a very rare use case. (like they add variables and methods, removing either is not possible).

However, if you really insist, I guess you could look at the source of Base.Docs.doc! and figure out a way to do it.

Anyone know how to make that


suggested by @bramtayl?

I think the basic question here is “why would you want to do that”? This hasn’t been answered yet.


If you use a method like delete_method (in revise), you are still left with a docstring attached to the floating function.

You have to purge that to not get a warning in the console.


a use case would be:

loading every file in a directory

// note: you can not validate a function has all dependencies when you include it. (i mean you could, but who has time for that)

therefore, you just keep looping over all the files until everything gets loaded and you have no errors.

delete_method purges botched functions and then you have to remove the docs. hence the question

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the code I used to resolve this can be found here:

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For completeness, five years on, here’s how to clear a module’s docstrings for a particular binding:

function cleardocs!(mod::Module, name::Symbol)
    docs = Docs.meta(mod)
    docs[Docs.Binding(mod, name)] = Docs.MultiDoc() # empty multidoc

Docstrings for a module are stored in a dictionary accessed with Doc.meta(mod). As far as I know, it seems ok to modify this directly.

P.S., to answer the “why” question — I needed this because sometimes Revise.jl leads to doc double-ups until you restart the session, which is annoying.