I want to do a map operation, but have the previous calculated value available to each step. Or put another way, I want to run a foldl but output a collection of the results of each step. It seems like this should be a common named operation, but I don’t know.
It can be done in a foldl by having each step push onto a Vector and return that vector, but it seems like there ought to be a first class operation that does this rather than some workaround.
I found some articles about “Mapping with state” which discuss using a State monad, but that seems a bit more complicated than expected.
An example implementation:
function maps(f, v, init)
s = init
map(v) do x
s = f(s, x)
which outputs:
> bt.maps((a, x) -> a * x, [1,2,3,4], 10)
4-element Vector{Int64}: