Is there a way to compute the AD Hessian of a function using purely Zygote functions and not ForwardDiff?

To solve the issue raised in this post, I’ve been trying to write a Jacobian function using Zygote functions only so I can compute the AD Hessian of my function without using Dual type from ForwardDiff, which doesn’t work with FFTW. Here is the Jacobian function inspired by this.

function jacobian(f,x)
    y,back  = Zygote.pullback(f,x)
    k  = length(y)
    n  = length(x)
    J  = Matrix{eltype(y)}(undef,k,n)
    e_mat = Matrix(I,k,k)
    @inbounds for i = 1:k
        J[i,:] = back(e_mat[:,i])[1]

hessian(f, x) = jacobian(x -> gradient(f, x)[1], x)

f(x) = x[1]*x[2]^2

However, this gives the following error:

Mutating arrays is not supported

    f@Other: 1[inlined]
    #1@Other: 1[inlined]
    jacobian(::Function, ::Array{Float64,2})@Other: 8
    hessian@Other: 1[inlined]
    top-level scope@Local: 1[inlined]

I cannot think of a way to avoid mutating array, since we need it to construct the Jacobian matrix. I’m just trying to figure out if trying to write a Jacobian function using only Zygote is doomed? f is a very simple function (and another example here) yet it’s giving me errors every time. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to make it compatible to a function involving complex-numbers and FFT. Thank you so much for any guidance, and happy new year!

As mentioned in Gradient of Gradient in Zygote - #3 by ChrisRackauckas, Zygote has known issues with nested which are set to be fixed with Diffractor.jl. I would just avoid doing this because you’ll run into other issues. ForwardDiff already works with complex numbers and making it work with FFTs is pretty easy, so that’s a very straightforward path for your actual problem.