Is there a way to avoid allocating memory when using Chain.jl or pipeing? Technica

Is there a way to avoid allocating memory when using Chain.jl or pipeing? Technically these are type stable and can mutate the original array to avoid allocation

julia> @time @chain x begin
           _ * 1
  0.002212 seconds (2 allocations: 7.629 MiB)

julia> @time @chain x begin
           _ * 1
           _ * 1
  0.008802 seconds (4 allocations: 15.259 MiB)

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You could use rmul! to overwrite the chained array

Linear Algebra ยท The Julia Language!

@chain x begin

Or overwrite it like this I guess. At some point you loose the benefit of chaining syntax for stuff like this

@chain x begin
   _ .*= 1