Is there a package for monitoring Julia CPU mean usage?

Julia doesn’t seem to exist and thus doesn’t report CPU usage. I do not know if it is an issue related to the .sh script or to Julia

Pardon-me if it is not Julia related, and let me know, I’ll ask StackExchange instead.

I am using my Julia command within a bash wrapper to monitor my mean CPU usage.

$ ./ bash -c "julia -t 1 src/script_etudedtsi.jl 80 20 100 366 2 10 5 1 0 0 1 1"

The content of can be found in the StackExchange.SuperUser question. Please indicate whether you would like me to post it here in order to make this Julia Discourse question self-contained or not.

The code works like a charm, the following is an extract with some sensitive informations removed

$ ./ bash -c "julia -t 1 src/script_etudedtsi.jl 80 20 100 366 2 10 5 1 0 0 1 1"
  Activating project at `SomePath/`
[ Info: Loading Packages...
[ Info: DONE
[ Info: Including .jl files
[ Info: DONE
Some informations displayed [...]
  0.622681 seconds (2.04 M allocations: 36.255 MiB, 5.73% gc time, 42.59% compilation time)
  1.919937 seconds (317.64 k allocations: 454.407 MiB, 34.89% gc time, 17.93% compilation time)
Sum of prices 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13
Some informations displayed [...]
 35.444421 seconds (87.81 M allocations: 2.222 GiB, 8.32% gc time, 64.69% compilation time: 10% of which was rec
Ended creating JuMP model 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:17 (14.76 ms/it)
Some informations displayed [...]
Version identifier: | 2019-11-26 | 843d4de
CPXPARAM_Threads                                 4
CPXPARAM_TimeLimit                               120
Found incumbent of value 0.000000 after 0.01 sec. (6.13 ticks)

|CPLEX successfully running]

Then, a few seconds later:

*  1144+ 1043                        16005.6983    16021.7470             0.10%

GUB cover cuts applied:  163
Cover cuts applied:  491
Flow cuts applied:  12
Mixed integer rounding cuts applied:  521
Zero-half cuts applied:  55
Gomory fractional cuts applied:  14

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =   34.57 sec. (10452.83 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 4 threads:
  Real time             =   85.58 sec. (23100.72 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    7.41 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =  120.15 sec. (33553.55 ticks)
termination_status(model) = MathOptInterface.TIME_LIMIT

|CPLEX successfully running]

Writing output...
CPLEX Error  1217: No solution exists. # This is normal, if you want to know why, see
CPLEX Error  1217: No solution exists. # Please ignore, this is normal, if you want to know why, see

You an see that it seems the .bash script doesn’t exit.

Please note that I tried to add exit() at the end of script.etudedtsi.jl with resulting the same failure:


Only Ctrl+C will terminate the process without displaying the final echo of the bash script.

Do you know what happens?

Also maybe my problem could be simply solved if there was a package that aims to monitor mean CPU usage instead of using a .bash script. Have you heard of such a package?

Many thanks :smiley:

Please be aware that the bug has been resolved in SE.SuperUser, so it was not a Julia related question. However, this raises the question of whether there exists, and if not, if there is the need for a package that monitors CPU and Memory usage of a Julia command!

Wishing the best to Julia Discourse’s community :smiley: