Is static scheduling available in Julia multi-threading?

I want to use multi-threading (with @spawn/@thread) in a static scheduling to prevent threads jumping during the time-loop in this MWE, nthreads()=2 here:

using .Threads
function f_spawn()
   thrs = [Threads.@spawn begin
    for t in 1:3
      if threadid() == 1
        println("Iteration $t -First Section -Hi from $(threadid())")
      println("Iteration $t -Execution Section -Hi from $(threadid())")
  end for i = 1:nthreads()];

I expect the results to be:

Iteration 1 -First Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 1 -Execution Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 1 -Execution Section -Hi from 2

Iteration 2 -First Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 2 -Execution Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 2 -Execution Section -Hi from 2

Iteration 3 -First Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 3 -Execution Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 3 -Execution Section -Hi from 2

However, they are:

Iteration 1 -Execution Section -Hi from 2
Iteration 1 -Execution Section -Hi from 2

Iteration 2 -Execution Section -Hi from 2
Iteration 2 -First Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 2 -Execution Section -Hi from 1

Iteration 3 -Execution Section -Hi from 2
Iteration 3 -First Section -Hi from 1
Iteration 3 -Execution Section -Hi from 2