Maybe something like this is what you want?
Minimal definition of a prime field:
struct F{p, T<:Integer} <: Integer
F{p, T}(a::Integer) where {p, T<:Integer} = new{p, T}(mod(T(a), p))
F{p}(a::Integer) where p = F{p, typeof(a)}(mod(a, p))
F{p, S}(x::F{p, T}) where {S<:Integer, p, T<:Integer} = F{p, S}(x.a)
Base.promote_rule(::Type{F{p, T}}, ::Type{S}) where {p, T<:Integer, S<:Integer} =
F{p, promote_type(T, S)}{F{p, T}}) where {p, T<:Integer} = F{p}(mod(zero(T), p)){F{p, T}}) where {p, T<:Integer} = F{p}(mod(one(T), p))
for op in (:-, :+)
@eval Base.$op(x::F{p}) where p = F{p}(mod($op(x.a), p))
for op in (:-, :+, :*)
@eval Base.$op(x::F{p}, y::F{p}) where p = F{p}(mod($op(x.a, y.a), p))
Base.inv(x::F{p}) where p = F{p}(invmod(x.a, p))
Base.:/(x::F{p}, y::F{p}) where p = x * inv(y)
Base.:\(x::F{p}, y::F{p}) where p = inv(x) * y
Base.:(==)(x::F{p}, y::F{p}) where p = x.a == y.a
Base.:<(x::F{p}, y::F{p}) where p = x.a < y.a, x::F{p}) where p = print(io, "F", p, '(', x.a, ')')
F7 = F{7, BigInt}
x, y = F7(10), F7(-2)
@show(x, y, zero(x), one(x), +x, -x, x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y, x \ y, x^3, x^-5, x == F7(3), x == 3)
A = F7[1 2; 3 4]
@show(A, 4A, A/4)
using LinearAlgebra
L, U = lu(A)
@show(L, U, L * U, det(A), inv(A), inv(A) * A, A * inv(A));
x = F7(3)
y = F7(5)
zero(x) = F7(0)
one(x) = F7(1)
+x = F7(3)
-x = F7(4)
x + y = F7(1)
x - y = F7(5)
x * y = F7(1)
x / y = F7(2)
x \ y = F7(4)
x ^ 3 = F7(6)
x ^ -5 = F7(3)
x == F7(3) = true
x == 3 = true
A = F{7, BigInt}[F7(1) F7(2); F7(3) F7(4)]
4A = F{7, BigInt}[F7(4) F7(1); F7(5) F7(2)]
A / 4 = F{7, BigInt}[F7(2) F7(4); F7(6) F7(1)]
L = F{7, BigInt}[F7(1) F7(0); F7(5) F7(1)]
U = F{7, BigInt}[F7(3) F7(4); F7(0) F7(3)]
L * U = F{7, BigInt}[F7(3) F7(4); F7(1) F7(2)]
det(A) = F7(5)
inv(A) = F{7, BigInt}[F7(5) F7(1); F7(5) F7(3)]
inv(A) * A = F{7, BigInt}[F7(1) F7(0); F7(0) F7(1)]
A * inv(A) = F{7, BigInt}[F7(1) F7(0); F7(0) F7(1)]
Edit1: x^3
and x^-5
are added.
Edit2: Base.:(==) is defined.
Edit3: NoPivot() is deleted.