Is it possible to keep some weights fixed during training

the weights of the first layer are real parameters and i need to fix the values to zero for the rising arrows.

Not sure what you mean by “rising arrows”.

If what you want to do is to keep an entire layer static, then just don’t include it when creating your params. Or you can remove specific arrays from your parameters using Flux.delete!. It is explained in this section of the docs: Custom Layers · Flux

On the other hand if what you want is to keep certain entries within an array static while keeping others learnable then I would suggest that you write a custom rule for the backwards pass, which applies a boolean mask to keep the desired parameters static. This section of the chainrules docs should be helpful for that: Deriving array rules · ChainRules

For freezing an entire array you can follow this section of the docs Custom Layers · Flux

For individual entries instead, probably the most convenient thing is to apply a mask on the gradient.

thanks, rising arrows for the first layer are W(2,1) W(3,1) W(3,2).
The mask is a lower triangular matrix that have zeros in the upper triangle

here is the solution that works for me.

# dataset
AZ = rand(100,1)
AX = rand(100,100)
#Import the required modules:

using Flux
using ChainRulesCore
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using CUDA
using MLUtils
#Define the custom lower triangular layer

struct LowerTriangularLayer{T}

function (ltl::LowerTriangularLayer)(x)
    return ltl.W * x .+ ltl.b
# Define the custom gradient rule for the lower triangular layer:
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(*), ltl::LowerTriangularLayer, x)
    function lower_triangular_pullback(Δy)
        Δltl_W = tril(Δy * x')
        Δx = ltl.W' * Δy
        return (NoTangent(), Δltl_W, Δx)
    return ltl(x), lower_triangular_pullback
#Create the 2-layer neural network:

function build_model(input_size, hidden_size, output_size)
    W1 = tril(randn(hidden_size, input_size)) |> gpu # move data to GPU memory
    b1 = zeros(hidden_size) |> gpu # move data to GPU memory
    b1_matrix = reshape(b1, (hidden_size, 1))
    ltl = LowerTriangularLayer(W1, b1_matrix)

    W2 = randn(output_size, hidden_size) |> gpu # move data to GPU memory
    b2 = zeros(output_size) |> gpu # move data to GPU memory
    layer2 = Dense(W2, b2, identity)

    return Chain(ltl, σ, layer2)
# Define a function to train a Flux model
function train_model(model, loss, opt_stat, train_loader, epochs)
    loss_history = Float64[] 
    for epoch in 1:epochs
        Flux.train!(loss, model, train_loader, opt_stat)        
        # Compute training loss
        train_loss = loss(model, X, Z)
        push!(loss_history, train_loss)
    return loss_history
# Define a function to make predictions using a Flux model
function predict(model, data)
    return model(data) |> cpu
# Define a function to load data into a DataLoader object
function create_dataloader(X, Z, batch_size, shuffle=false)
    return DataLoader((X, Z), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle)
# Define the target and input data

Z = Matrix(AZ') |> gpu

X = Matrix(AX') |> gpu
# Build the model and create a data loader

model = build_model(size(X, 1), size(X, 2), size(Z, 1))

batch_size = 1

train_loader = create_dataloader(X, Z, batch_size)
# Define a loss function and an optimizer

loss(model, x, y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)

opt_stat = Flux.setup(Adam(), model)
# Train the model
epochs = 3
loss_history = train_model(model, loss, opt_stat, train_loader, epochs)
# Check if W1 is still lower triangular
if istril(model.layers[1].W)
    println("W1 is still lower triangular")
    println("W1 is no longer lower triangular")
# Create a matrix of values

matrix =   model.layers[1].W |> cpu

# Create a color map
cmap = :plasma

# Create the heatmap
img = heatmap(matrix, background_color = RGB(0,0,0), c=cmap);
 plot(img, color="powderblue", background_color = RGB(0,0,0), title="heat map",titlefontsize=10, xtickfontsize=5, primary=false)


# Make predictions on the training data

predictions = predict(model, X)
plot(predictions', color="powderblue", background_color = RGB(0,0,0), title="Q",titlefontsize=10, xtickfontsize=5, primary=false)
