I have some datatype, for which I would like to have autocomplete for getindex/setindex!
, e.g. myData[.<tab>
should give me all the keys(myData)
So far, I get that I can subtype AbstractDict{Symbol,Any}
to archive that. But is it also possible otherwise?
For example, it seems that I have to implement iterate
for AbstractDict
, whereas for my type there is no reasons for iterate
Here is a minimal (working) example
struct Keyholder{T<:NamedTuple} <: AbstractDict{:Symbol, Any}
Base.getindex(k::Keyholder, sym::Symbol) = getproperty(k.data, sym)
Base.iterate(k::Keyholder) = iterate(pairs(k.data))
Base.iterate(k::Keyholder, state) = iterate(pairs(k.data), state)
Base.keys(k::Keyholder) = keys(k.data)
Base.keytype(::Keyholder) = :Symbol
Base.length(k::Keyholder) = length(keys(k))
k = Keyholder( (;A = 1, B = 2) )
# k[:<tab> gives :A :B
PS: In my real application, I maybe would like to not be a subtype of AbstractDict
, that’s why I care about this question Of course, giving up autocomplete is an easy solution which I would accept.