Hi, I am thinking how to quickly visualize 2D matrix, given with matrices X, Y of coordinates of corresponding data points in Z matrix. It will be used in real-time visualization of action potential propagation in cardiac tissue (X, Y will represent coordinates of irregularly placed cells).
Analogous MATLAB function would be contour(X, Y, Z): specifies the *x* and *y* coordinates for the values in Z
Is it possible to do that in Makie.jl?
Or is it only possible by using Interpotations package and pre-constructing 2D interpolated matrix? (I am considering real-time visualisation performance)
Can you show a running mock up example in julia? I’m not 100% sure how you want your data to look! If you do that, I can help you better to figure out the right Makie command!
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In my simulation cardiac tissue is modeled using brick-wall architecture: rectangles represent cells, bold lines are junctions between cells (by which wave of excitation propagates):

I want each cell to be colored by its voltage.
Also I did test simulation using simpler, columnar (cells are arranged in a grid) architecture of cells network, that can be represented using heatmap:
Previously, I did quite similar visualization of neural network in MATLAB, but using
columnar architecture and contour:
I am experimenting with contour and heatmap, which could give better performance for real-time and good representation of the process for publishing. Also I am thinking how to visualize
brick-wall architecture, maybe using mesh or poly?
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Cool graphics!
Using mesh should be pretty straight forward, just have a look at e.g. : http://juliaplots.org/MakieReferenceImages/gallery//fem_mesh_2d/index.html
Thanks, I coded simple triangles mesh, it does show up. But when I try to animate it doesn’t update.
Here is the code:
using Makie
function run2()
s = Scene()
sizeX = 10
sizeY = 10
points = zeros(sizeY * sizeX, 2)
color = zeros(sizeY * sizeX)
conn = zeros(Int64, (sizeY - 1) * (sizeX - 1), 3)
conn2 = zeros(Int64, (sizeY - 1) * (sizeX - 1), 3)
for y = 1:sizeY
for x = 1:sizeX
points[(y-1)*sizeX+x, 1] = x
points[(y-1)*sizeX+x, 2] = y
color[(y-1)*sizeX+x] = rand()
for y = 1:sizeY-1
for x = 1:sizeX-1
# @infiltrate (y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x > 80
conn[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 1] = Int((y - 1) * (sizeX) + x)
conn[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 2] = Int((y - 1) * (sizeX) + x + 1)
conn[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 3] = Int((y + 1 - 1) * (sizeX) + x)
conn2[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 1] = Int((y + 1 - 1) * (sizeX) + x)
conn2[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 2] = Int((y + 1- 1) * (sizeX) + x + 1)
conn2[(y-1)*(sizeX-1)+x, 3] = Int((y - 1) * (sizeX) + x + 1)
s = scatter!(points)
mesh!(s, points, [conn; conn2], color = color, shading = false)
# wireframe!(s[end][1], color = (:black, 0.6), linewidth = 3)
for i = 1:100
s[end][:color] = rand(100);
Other code using similar for loop is updating if I use heatmap. Also command s[end][:color] = rand(100);
is updating mesh from REPL.
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For me it does update… Do you mean it doesn’t display?
Because you’re missing a display(s)
before the animation loop!
Really! It worked now. Thanks.